Where Are The Girl Power Relief Efforts For Louisiana? RPM
Published on 08 Sep 2021 / In
People & Blogs
They are VERY silent when trouble comes.
Article: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wire....Story/hurricane-ida-
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Once this country's taken over the beta male brigade will be annihilated. Many of these lesbians and transvestites will be exterminated too. Invasion is the medicine American needs and will get very soon
Awesome! You rock, bro!
@eldrazi317: Feminists are just Whiney Little Cunt Bags https://www.mgtow.tv/v/hqJ7tR
No electricity, no gas pumps. Period.
They seem to think that when a man does something for her, it's the same as her doing it for herself. Logic has left the station...