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Where is MGTOW Going?

Published on 07 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

A couple of years ago in an interview, I was asked where MGTOW is going? As expected like everyone else in MGTOW that's completed the Red Pill Rage I could also really answer for myself and the only answer I could give the interviewer at the time was "It's going to get bigger"

As the numbers of men going MGTOW worldwide approaches 7 figures at an ever-increasing pace though there are some things that are starting to happen. An information exchange being among them. Networking has also been taking place. There have been the occasional gatherings. The trend appears to be an imprint on the male mind that there are options for them beyond what they've been told.

Freedom awaits



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mrghoster 4 years ago

I think MGTOW will go wherever the Individual MGTOW takes it. MGTOW doesn't really have any set rules across the board? So a MGTPOW or red Pill Guy because MGTOW is a Philosophy, can and will take it where he want's?

Personally as a Stoic based MGTOW Monk I refuse contact with fefails other than to laugh and deride them! The Fefail is a great source of humor for me as are many thing's. As far as fefails go with me the relationSHIT is out of bound's completely, i don't care WTF they offer, involvement with a fefail is a big "NO"!

I have learned to totally be "Indifferent" to the species with tit's and a crusty crutch! lol! a fefail is purely for entertainment and to deride and abuse, much as they do to us?

As a MGTOW Monk I have honed and built Skill's I never dreamed of building before and I have done all this including being DEBT FREE, purely by rejection of the fefail gender! My time, money, health and wisdom are ALL a result of the lack of being used or connected to a fefail.

18 months ago I took a challenge for myself. I saved up the amount of money I would have wasted on DATING and shit, and saved for 2 years. the end result was I bought a brand new motorcycle for cash which I'm enjoying very much!

MGTOW is going and will go wherever you the individual MGTOW wants or makes it. Peace Gentlemen.

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NerokeFive 4 years ago

As the numbers continue to grow, there's not going to a 'movement' per se. What will happen though is that there will be so many men moving in the same direction that the sheer numbers of them will have an impact on society! We're not actually that far away anymore. Current numbers for the total number of men in North America that are MGTOW by my guess is somewhere between 600,000-650,000 and over 800.,000 worldwide with the number outside the west starting to accelerate

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