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Where you going - Jewish Lightning Australia

Published on 23 Feb 2025 / In Film & Animation

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Longshanks 1 month ago

Years ago in my ignorant youth I remember perusing the Wikipedia pages of tenured USA politicians (Darrell Edward Issa is one of the longest tenured politicians in the US) to get an idea of their origin stories. I remember learning many of them had their moneybags founded on insurance payouts in fires with controversial investigations as to the causes. This was one of several "red pills" that began to brew in my head before even learning about the divorce court dungeons.

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Hmmmm - nothing wrong here - at all. "Issa soon turned Steal Stopper around, to the point that it was supplying Ford with thousands of car alarms and negotiating a similar deal with Toyota. Early in the morning of September 7, 1982, Quantum and Steal Stopper's offices and factory in the Cleveland suburb of Maple Heights caught fire. The fire took three hours to put out. The buildings and almost all the inventory within were destroyed. An investigation of the fire noted "suspicious burn patterns" with fires starting in two places aided by an accelerant such as gasoline.[19] Adkins said Issa had appeared to prepare for a fire by increasing the fire insurance policy by 462% three weeks earlier, and by removing computer equipment containing accounting and customer information. St. Paul Insurance, suspicious of arson and insurance fraud, initially paid only $25,000, according to Issa.[19][30] "

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Longshanks 1 month ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: totally above board. His story reads like what a politician's resume is expected to have in order to be "marketable" for his scupulous career patrons. Sort of like "choose what we are going to have on you, otherwise you will need to have a couple elopements with herr Epstein for some gaudy island tours."

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@Longshanks: We (me) have been SO brainwashed with the JEW propaganda - It's when you start to HEAR about how the JEWS in Russia exterminated 20 million (overthrowing the Czar), and had infiltrated Europe and were working on overthowing all of Europe and how Adolf Hitler united Germany and stood up to the "International JEW" - being Stalin and co..... AND how they tortured the people at Nuremburg to make confessions etc.... That when the preface to, "Inside The Third Reich Memoirs by Albert Speer" ------ You Can HEAR the JEW mind fuckery in action.... AND you can hear their meddeling all throughout what is alledged to be Speers memiors ---- Slagging Adolf off at everyu opportunity and nuance. The homogenised, consistency of the stories about the Nazis and Adolf Hitler and their WAR CRIMES - but these fucking JEW cunts, have been concealing EVERYTHING they have been up too AND there is a fucking lot of it, AND they have also hidden the stories of the people of Germany of WW2 etc. The hallmark of a deceiver, is the one sided story..... The JEWS lie about everything, and they bury the information, being the truth, people standing up for themselves, and people who have the abilities and the resources to expose and confront them. The people of Germany have been silenced and their stories - the JEWS have tried to bury and ERASE.... The JEW are hiding their crimes against humanity.

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