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I can not wait to see these dumbasses' faces when the Muslims they let in kills their gay asses-- many as they are flung off sky scrapers....
Well, Satanist like white human meat in their rituals and Planned Parenthood makes sooo much money selling baby parts....
Yes they will continue to give to and support all the illegal immigrants until......THE REAL HAMMER DROPS! Then all people will be S.O.L.
Truer words have never been spoken!
Get out while you still can.
Antoian Kordiyal
United States
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I can not wait to see these dumbasses' faces when the Muslims they let in kills their gay asses-- many as they are flung off sky scrapers....
Well, Satanist like white human meat in their rituals and Planned Parenthood makes sooo much money selling baby parts....
Yes they will continue to give to and support all the illegal immigrants until......THE REAL HAMMER DROPS! Then all people will be S.O.L.