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Published on 04 Oct 2020 / In Other

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Sir_666 4 years ago  

Albeit, it was rude to say what the guy said. However, we're not seeing if that Black Girl said or did something to provoke the White Guy before the Video Footage start of his statement.

So if we're going to be fair then we should know Both sides of the Situation.

This Video is a great example of Society currently " Assuming " the Black person, Non-white or Woman is always " Completely " in the Right when the conflicting situation is with a White Man without all the facts.

Evaluating something Emotionally with Incomplete Facts of the Circumstance always leaves a margin of Error and either Injustice or Incomplete justice to one or both parties due to such possible false assumptions.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

"So if we're going to be fair then we should know Both sides of the Situation." Yeah I sadi the same thing when a black dude knocked an old boomer to the ground for not wearing a mask,

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

"Evaluating something Emotionally with Incomplete Facts" Incomplete facts ar a fact of life, (Bayes rule), the guy was being a dick for saying that. Why are you in school anyway, fuking school yourself

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Sir_666 4 years ago

@Lucifer333: Since Women are nowadays Notorious for initially Mouthing off and even initiating physical assault then it stands the logical reason we should know if something transpired before the incident of the White guy making the rude remark to the Black girl in the video. And as I stipulated we don't know prior to the incident if the Black girl was being a "DICK" and provoked the white guy with Verbal or Physical Assault. And that's (logical law).lol. BTW, try Fu*king schooling yourself with some Common sense.

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

@sir666: that is Physical assault? bruh, I am with the girl on this one, thats shit remark, now...., anything else, I turn her into a lampshade

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@Sir_666: Look no further because Mardock333 is a woman.

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Sir_666 4 years ago

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: I did not notice a Mardock333 on this video message thread. Nonetheless, thanks for the heads up.

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@Sir_666: Mardock is the original name for the make believe Nibirian alien god Lucifer.

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Doggk_Re_Uploads 4 years ago

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: I'm glad to see that you realised that the alien god is Satan and not Yahweh ! Keep on that way !

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Sir_666 4 years ago

I just revisited here due to a notification.

And while casually skimming through the comments I could not help notice comments alluding to the subject of FREEDOM OF SPEECH and that under certain circumstances of Racist remarks or it's not Free Speech anymore.

Well, I strongly disagree!

Just because, we may Not like an Opinion or Remark, whether it be directed Profanity, A Racist Remark, An Opposing Opinion ...etc, does NOT mean that person has NO right to Freedom of Speech. That is their legal right in Places like Canada, the USA, ...etc, that have similar Laws that protect a Person's Right to Freedom of Speech and/or Freedom of Expression without fear of Censorship or Legal sanction. Whether people Like it or Not.

And if we ever allow certain Speech, Opinions, ....etc, to become Censored and Policed then we're are surely moving down a slippery slope towards a Communist or dictatorship like environment/ Country. Matter of fact, Jordan Petterson initially became famous in Canada and around the World for stating the very same Warning.

Furthermore, in Canada, we now have Islamic Groups and Feminist Groups protesting for forms of Speech Deemed OFFENSIVE to be legally Banned with Laws passed to support such Governing of Freedom of Speech. Incidentally, Communistic behaviors imposing upon People's Freedoms is why Soldiers went to War to fight for. And I certainly would not tolerate nor support such infringement of people's freedoms neither.

So to reiterate, yes Racist remarks are offensive. And a person can choose to Ignore it or Verbally Retaliate. That's definitely their Prerogative and I can agree & understand that. Albeit, I still acknowledge any person has the right to express their Opinions or Words even If I don't like or agree with it.

However, if they decide to also respond to Opinions, Racist words ...etc, with Physical violence, then that's on them. But it's also on them if their Violence is also met with Physical violence since they chose to take the ( Verbal ) Words to the next level of ( Physical ) Violence. Remember, For every Action, there is a Reaction .i.e. Consequences. Hence, that's life !

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Doggk_Re_Uploads 4 years ago

There are limits to free speech.. You can't anything especially very offensive stuff and expecting peole who are concerned to be agree with that.. Look what happened to Charlie Hebdo and lately President Macron.. If you mock peoples religions or a difficult past related to colonialism or slavery.. When you say racist stuff to mock someone.. It isn't free speech anymore.. It's an insult.. And nowadays people who insult they like to hide themselves behind so called "free speech" to be protected, but the ones who are getting insulted know they can't do anything to defend themselves, they voices are unheard, so it becomes a form of opression against them.. That's why the muslim world is angry at France .. And if justice isn't given to them, well you get extreme cases like Charlie Hebdo where 40% of the drawers got shot by 2 terrorist.. Lately same thing.. Innocent people got shot to pay for the mistakes of cowards hiding themselves behind free speech instead of recognizing their mistake and apologize.. I'm totally against violence, but this could be avoided by simply apologizing.. People would have lived, istead some innocent priests died for the cowardness of a small group.. There's a balance to respect in order to maintain peace in a civilization..

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Sir_666 4 years ago

@Doggk_Re_Uploads: I appreciate your Passion on the subject and Agree with apologizing in the case you mentioned above along with some of your Points of View within Reason. However, the FACT still remains that there are NO Legal limits to FREE Speech regardless of the Incident ( Unless a person perhaps resides in some oppressive Communist / Dictatorship like environment). Albeit, this has Unfortunately began to change here in Canada recently due to Groups like Feminists trying to get Laws passed ( this may be happening in the U.S, U.K, or elsewhere - I dunno) to Censor & Criminalized aspects of Freedoms of Speech. Furthermore, All I'm stipulating is that, It is Fine to Voice a Disagreement of an Opinion or Derogatory Remark ( Insult, Profanity, Racist , Mockery, or whatever) however, I would Not move towards the Censoring the Freedom of a person's Speech to have their Right of an Opinion or Voice a Remark ( No Exceptions). And that's all I'm stating. Incidentally, Feminists actually also promote selective " Censoring and Policing " of Speech ( Opinions, Remarks). This is also the behavior of Communists and Dictators. And not something I'd be proud of if I entertained such things. Nonetheless, we'll Agree to Disagree on this and that's what Freedom of Speech and Discourse is all about.

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Toki 4 years ago

Your Asian waifu called. She wants her hair back.

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bousso 4 years ago

so.......is she going or not ?

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NullandVoid 4 years ago

Shoulda said...Go home now and warm my bed...my feet are cold..

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Hard hairy big pack
Hard hairy big pack 4 years ago

Free speech vs assault, the woman is clearly wrong here.

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Doggk_Re_Uploads 4 years ago

FREE SPEECH ??? That was Racist AF, by your words the dude has the right to say racist bullshit. Lol he deserved that Yoghurt on his clothes.. And he can be glad that he wasn't beaten up by a bunch of angry blacks.. When whites are being called Racists or anything else that's surprisingly not free speech anymore ^^

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Toki 4 years ago

@Doggk_Re_Uploads: If only this would happen to all the angry feminists instead of younger guy who's just being a clown. He's not extracting wealth from the system to push his cause.

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