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Whitey Is Evil, Especially White Males! You're Scum!


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Published on 12 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

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OldBiddy 4 years ago

Yeah, Whitey is why most Black homes are a pigsty. Whitey is why they have multiple illegitimate children, with different partners, by age 18. Whitey is why they can't show up on time for anything. Whitey is why they won't work for a living. Whitey is why...etc.

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thoughtcriminal1215 5 years ago

How the hell are women a minority. They are the majority of the population.

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delilahdespised 5 years ago

TRP I support an Affirmative Action program for all Whites for looting. We're obviously not very good at it at all so we need this program to bring us up to standard.

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sithsith 5 years ago

White were never united, Romans considered Celts as barbarians , as they did with Carthaginians , Romans enslaved fellow white barbarians for 1000 years .
So fuck off leftists , there is no white privilege!

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RoboCat 5 years ago

I'm hispanic, not from the U.S., I've traveled to the U.S. many times in my life, including to the places I was told were 'racist'. Texas (Galveston) , Georgia (Marietta) and where ever 'New Orleans' is. I was never mistreated by whites in these places, in fact I felt that they were way too friendly and patient with me. New Orleans on the other hand was entirely populated by blacks and they were extremely hostile, I even saw a black policeman beat a young man (white) before taking him away in irons. The young man had done nothing and didn't resist.
Anyway, that was almost 20 years ago, over time I noticed that men, but especially white men, stopped trying to defend themselves and do not stand-up to abuse they get from women and blacks. They are very similar to so-called 'battered spouses', where they adopt a posture and attitude of de-facto guilt whenever a confrontation occurs, it's pathetic but I understand why, they are not only alone (Other whites pile on to try to score brownie points), their government hates them as well. In that sense I feel very lucky that I am hispanic because a lot of the things I've said and done in the U.S., in public, probably would have ended very differently if I were white.
There is no such thing as 'white privilege', whites , especially men, have it absurdly more difficult than anyone else.... I honestly wouldn't blame them if they all joined the alt-right and resolved the problem in absolute terms after all the abuse they've taken.

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