[Up Vote] You should watch "Hercules in New York" where Schwarzenegger has the lead role, yet has a Voice Over actor because Arnie's Austrian accent is too think for American audiences!
Foo Bar sou8nds like a remake of Truw lies or that one Bruce Willis did where he was using his status to protect his daughter. Let's face it these people just don't know when they are past it and should go and enjoy all that money they had fun making. Being a hollywied start is like having a mental illmess they just cant let it go.
That last on you mentioned in the terminator series , I'd never heard off. I t was bad enough having a femon in Terminator 4, at least she didn't spoil the rather good story about how Sky Net started.
@SoloMan Zone: Agree! 3 wasn't to bad I think that was the one with Patric what's his face? aws the liquid terminator? at least Sarah Connor was in it.
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You should watch "Hercules in New York" where Schwarzenegger has the lead role, yet has a Voice Over actor because Arnie's Austrian accent is too think for American audiences!
And it's like "Mr and Mrs Smith".
Foo Bar sou8nds like a remake of Truw lies or that one Bruce Willis did where he was using his status to protect his daughter. Let's face it these people just don't know when they are past it and should go and enjoy all that money they had fun making. Being a hollywied start is like having a mental illmess they just cant let it go.
That last on you mentioned in the terminator series , I'd never heard off. I t was bad enough having a femon in Terminator 4, at least she didn't spoil the rather good story about how Sky Net started.
I watched True Lies over Xmas on DVD.Good film all round.