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WhoreeMaxxer gives motivational speech

Published on 24 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

Androcentric strategies in gynocentric world.
Sex makes the world go round not money, we do not erect buildings for money, we erect building for puntang,we buikd society fir puntang. Its the vril the elixer of life testosterone.
What Austen powers likes to call ≈ Mojo

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FL_Steve 3 years ago

Pro-Tip for whoree maxxer: there are other things to do in life besides: A) sex with disease-ridden whores and B) comic books and video games.

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

You don't do comic and video games by choice. It's from lack of choice, it's what you have left. If you had people/women praising or chasing you don't turn in to a nerd or gamer while growing up. I don't know how but my 5ft 5 - 5ft 4 brown ugly small friend keeps pulling 7 and 8 blond women taller than him. He has thick skin from being short and is always making jokes and just has charisma.

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

You can do other thing, like in uncle Cappys book the menu. But the only reason you doing those thing is because you can't get women. Unless your asexual or gay, then you have different priorities. But most men are born with a disire to conquer and fuck.

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

It's a super fucked up world, but there are solutions to problem. If you think about women or you have somkind of pain(is most men do) then you have a women problem. Which is 99% of mgtow.

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Furioso 3 years ago

So you live for sex with whores ,in fact your existence is pointless and you are just like the other pussy addict ,if you live for pussy ,you are gynocentric and a SIMP not alpha or androcentric like the other retard call himself .

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

I live for drugs and family, not pussy. I only simp when I want and under my conditions. Without losing your self respect. The most precious thing I have is my time. Not the fake money zionist dishout the hoes can keep it.

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FL_Steve 3 years ago

He likes to eat whore ass too. Nasty to the nth degree!

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SuperMachoAlfa 3 years ago

@FL_Steve: okay i can't defend that lmao. He has more testosterone than any of us though.

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FL_Steve 3 years ago

@SuperMachoAlfa: Yes because he injects it. He is short-circuiting his endocrine system. There is a price for doing so.

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