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Why 40k Triggers People

Published on 09 Sep 2024 / In Gaming

Warhammer 40k has an inherently anti-progressive setting. So of course it would ruffle a few feathers.

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videos referenced:

Tau vs Tyranids:

Camile Paglia interview:

Thinking West on the Tytler Cycle:

Ending Music:
Milky Way generated through the AI of Udio by "blindboygrunt":

Art for Thumbnail:

Table of Contents:

00:00 40k is Anti-progressive
08:48 The problem of They/Them who thirsts (Slaneesh)
12:27 Meta Narrative: Fall of Empire
15:19 The Imperium is NOT Fascist.
20:28 40k as a parody of SCIENCE (fiction)
29:48 Leave 40k alone! we like it edgy.
35:04 The Eternal Story of Humanity

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

So... that's what 40k met? 40,000 AD? Interesting.... I believe it's them (The Hods maybe) always killing White People... I call it the Atlantis Protocol; it's like life is suffering: Everytime we as humanity reach the heights of high society with running water plumbing stories up and "easy lives" disasters, ie misaligned (dis) stars (aster) happens... this is why I think the basic core of astrology namely astrological ages are important... as a way to track time, God El of Israel's TIME LINE. And He told us Himself as "signs of the times" and "signs of the times" as Cosplayed Christ. I am surprised His "priests" or Christianity has not figured this out or shared it... Secret Knowledge Hidden by them priesthoods? And Occult? Just saying...

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