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Why America Must Become a Alumnicracy


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Published on 30 Oct 2024 / In People & Blogs

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BasedEscortCel100 3 months ago

How you start, is how you finish, the start defines how it develops and it ends. America was founded by some radically prudish life-denying gynocentric puritans and pilgrims from the anglosphere. US land would be more androcentric if the scamarona pest control concentrate known as vaccine had been effective in giving NPC normies heart attacks or had they died of lack of oxygen from 24/7 mask wear. This country would be better off being occupied by MGTOW androcentric whoremaxing, looksmaxing and black pilling men like us in mgtowtv. In addition, the British empire was not great, it just involved sending their excess incel men in ships without gyms to mog max take over lands occupied by blacks and Indians living in stone age, that's like having a NBA team play against a middle school team.

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sardonicsmile 3 months ago

Well, if MGTOW minded men ran the country it would certainly be more based but there would be racial divide and eventually warring factions.

Also, it would come out about how you once mentioned that sub 5 men would understandably have to commit a crime; in order to get laid...
[I think Brittany Venty, that Golom looking chicken who broke up with Think Before You Sleep, did a sound-byte chicken with your video]

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BasedEscortCel100 3 months ago

We could end racism, get rid of blacks, curries by just out-breeding them with blonde and brunette Stacies. We can use science to alter gender ratio 90 percent female, 10 percent male. Also prove a point, that shitskins are self-loathing, hate their kind, 99% of times would choose a nordic or Italian looking Stacy. Also, we gotta do something about racism (lookism) concerning average-cel white men, give them impetus to go do incel jobs (oil rigs, factories, farming, engineering, construction)and incel character traits like kindness, work ethic, studiousness, give them Stacies to improve the race of shitskins and average-cel white men. We need to create a large surplus of Stacies like nazis wanted to do, like ancient Greeks used to do with eugenics and krypteias to control helot (normie) population. Although personally men look better with latin/greek traits where tall, dark, handsome comes from, while women look better with nordic traits, but some Italian women look superior with a mixture of Latin/Greek/hebrew and nordic traits. For example, let me ask you, compare the famous actors or soccer teams of Spain/Italy with those of Germany/russia/Ireland, tell me who look better physically and socially?

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irancontras 3 months ago

"MGTOW" TV is getting worse day by day. 90% of the content being uploaded is just RussiaToday, TheQuartering, Styx666, fucking TimCast, TimCast again but this time IRL, RedactedNews, another guy reposting RedactedNews again, etc, just channels synchronized abusing the platform with trumptard-level propaganda or external content that has nothing in common with MGTOW.

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sardonicsmile 3 months ago

Well, you can always start your own channel...

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NeoGeoGamer 3 months ago

I was watching some Islamtube videos and, like you said, the more they larp and play dress-up, the faker they are. This guy was wearing a white robe, donut around his head, looked like he belonged on top of a camel. What was he talking about? He was saying Islam is backwards for not letting women have careers and for not having female leaders!

Meanwhile, here on mgtow.tv, Amr keeps it legit, says all the spicy stuff wearing western clothes. The more they larp, the faker they are.

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roastbeefinspector 3 months ago

lost it on the donut head

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BasedEscortCel100 3 months ago

I just wanna say homosexuals are not real, the real issue is asexuality. Men become homosexual usually because of toxic, dysfunctional, and a short-supply of women. Most guys even those with charisma/game/style, good looks, social status get spurned by women a lot. Christians and secularists are the same. They both enact puritanical jihad. That's why one pimp hand slap to a woman can get you arrested, Christian puritanicals are notorious for pedastalizing women and demonizing male sexual drive.

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Alex568 3 months ago

Indeed, and this is why homosexuality is so prevalent in anglosaxon societies that have the worst women on the planet. In the West now days decent looking men get rejected by land whales who tell them "you are not my type".....

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BasedEscortCel100 3 months ago

@Alex568: It could be like something out of a sci fi movie. What if the universe knows you are black pilled, the gods of this land known as USA, are not letting you succeed sexually with women. It's already a miracle finding a girlfriend, without patriarchy you have to basically be right place, right time, and the woman being by herself, no guy ever approaches a woman that is with someone else. Also I believe there is a short supply of women, large supply of men. There would be no cases of "onetis" if you found yourself in places where it's like the playboy mansion. If I was in the playboy mansion, trust me "onetis" would not even be a thing.

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BasedEscortCel100 3 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100:its over for anglo-cels or angloshpere-cels. Perfect textbook example of anglobitch in action is Taylor Swift. The boyfriend is some Chad football player that acts kinda oofy doofy, kinda trashy, kinda loud/obnoxious. All the antics he has to perform just to not get her bored, just to get sex from her, it just seems like too much work and bullshit, this is what every anglosphere-cel faces and why so many anglosohere men for example get tattoos to impress women as wild and douchey, that is what is in for all you boyos. Anglo women were only born for porn, thats pretty much it.

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Alex568 3 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: "Also I believe there is a short supply of women, large supply of men. " And with the large influx of violent foreign men from third world shitholes, it's only going to get worse....

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BasedEscortCel100 3 months ago

@Alex568: white women are the nigger gender. These shitskin gypsies are quite literally doing "monkey see, monkey do". They see it's criminals, low lifes, frat boy trash, and oofy doofies doing well with attractive women, so they just imitate them in their behavior, speech and dress. Their only hope is to work 10 years 16 hour shifts, save up money, and then go back to South America to whore max with onlyfans and Instagram latina snowbunnies. White anglo women have effectively all turned into a "snowbunny" race, just look at how they talk, dress, behave, partner with, how rap music just lures them like the pied piper of hamelin.

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