Why Are Single Men Dangerous? - MGTOW
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by a donation from Rusty and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Here's a small donation just to support your channel. I don't have a specific topic request this time. Since I've detoxed my life from relationships with women, I haven't had much conflict in my personal life. My stress is low. Life choices feel easy to make. I'm just cool and content. To mix up the monotony of life, I will occasionally buy something fun or travel alone. I plan for the future, but enjoy every moment in the present because you never know if you will wake up tomorrow without the level of health you have today. When I came out of divorce two years ago, my finances were at a $70,000 deficit from the lawyer bills and payments to my ex. A year later, my balance sheet fully recovered. Today I am $100,000 financially ahead from where I was at the beginning of the divorce because I've been able to save and invest money at a rate that was impossible when I was married. When I was married, I was living paycheck to paycheck most of the time. However, it was worth it all to become a dad. I've dabbled in dating apps for a while after the divorce, just to see what's out there. I don't think I'm missing anything. Most of the women on those apps are looking for a man to entertain them or finance their travel aspirations. I used to talk over the phone with that Angelina from college I told you about for a previous video. She got mad and quit calling after she kept ruminating with me about the past evil-doings of her Chad surgeon ex-husband, and I asked her why she still decided start a family with him if he treated her so poorly early on? Oh well. After divorce, I don't even know what I would want from a woman anymore. I'm not excited about sex like when I was younger. It's not a physical problem - it's now knowing about the risks and strings attached. I don't want to have more kids right now. Maybe someone to share life with, but I'm too busy with my own interests. The expectations of a woman in my life would destroy the peacefulness and freedom I currently enjoy. There's the "feeling alone" aspect, but I felt more alone when I was married, and that was confirmed when her entire family turned on me and tried to do me dirty in divorce court. The older I get, the more I feel like an outside observer of a civilization where I don't fit in. I just focus now on creating, building financial safety, and happiness from within. I guess that is what going my own way is about. Cheers and happy new year." Well Rusty thanks for the donation and topic. Wasn't it incredible what you did in 2024? Just one year where you saved 100k and went from being 70k in debt to having 30k in assets. Do that for another five to ten years and you'll be able to retire with a million dollars. This ability to accumulate money so quickly is one of the reasons that the elites hate men going their own way. They don't care if women go 4B because they tend to spend most of their money back into the economy. Single men saving and investing their money in assets like stocks, real estate and Bitcoin end up creating asset price inflation. This then destabilizes the economy.
10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.
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Simps are more dangerous similar to drug addicts. Simping is why we have a police state. Political and economic income differences are settled by fear of the military through a gun. Or the police.
Street criminals are sex addicts. Black men for example making up most of the crime are always trying to get pussy from anyone. So they cheat and steal to acquire stuff to then pay women for sex.
Notice how Asian crime rates are the lowest because Asian men have the most monks out of all cultures. Responsible, not selfish. No debts.
For anyone married men out there I expect they could go hockey mask time at any moment once they find out their wife/GF is cheating on them. I'm not the one trying to bang their women, but I could be caught up in a crossfire in a public place with a grenade or something. They may just start shooting all other men on sight instead of the women that cheated on them.
Single men are "dangerous" and "unreliable" because we have the ability to walk away from a bad situation.
single men are not dangerous.......ALL MEN ARE DANGEROUS but not in the way you would expect.........as more and more men realize there is no reason to be with a whaman then the obvious and they take control of their own biology and walk away from whaman they will be shamed. ....whaman are no longer attractive if you can lose your life savings, be falsely charged with grape and have your kids taken away from you and yet be expected to rinse and repeat with whaman after whaman until you find a good one.......instead smart men with some assets do not want to risk loss so they are dropping the mic and walking off the stage and are no longer serving whaman. ......foolish men BELIEVE you can find THE ONE and live happily ever after while being a blue pill simp. ......the smarter men that walk away are the DANGEROUS ones since they will take their own power back and no longer serve the female narrative. ..as that happens more and more whaman face things like depression, substance abuse, suicide and homelessness, etc.....all of those mentioned are at the highest points in history for whaman.......despite more whaman are buying houses they dont realize they need a man still for work around that house.......WHAMAN ARE FAILING......hold the line gentlemen and invest in yourself dont deal with them at all and live free!!!!!!!