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Why Are Women So Terrible? - MGTOW

Published on 27 Jun 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from a donation from Flying Fish and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Approximately 7 years ago I was fortunate enough to come across your work at a very critical time of transition in my life. In my hamlet on the south coast of commiefornia in Santa Barbara, there has been a lack of balanced men to communicate with concerning the importance of our red pill path. The population consists of newlyweds and nearly deads surrounded by 3 colleges and massive amounts of wealth. After finding terra firma from divorce, I was finally able to formulate a viable question that began a search that nearly instantly filled with your wealth of input. The question I scraped together? Why are women so terrible? I mumbled it out loud to myself. I had no idea that was such a deep cesspool. Every day I am reassured when your new podcast pops up. I have never been so at peace in my entire life. I can't recall if you have directly done a bit on 'whamen are a liability', possibly the worst. It could drive the Sandman spike in between our men 'risking it for the biscuit' and something solid which they actually can relate to, 'their wallet and life's energy accrual'. It could be tied into gambling etc. I wish I had someone beat this into me when I was younger. Currently whamens are revolting dead weight brewing up infections for us healthy men. I hope you are doing great? Well Flying Fish thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman: Anyways, now back to the why are women so terrible clown world show. Flying Fish I've already don't tons of videos as to why women are liablility in a man's life as his wife and risking it for the biscuit as you call it. But you inadvertently came up with the perfect topic when you asked why are women so terrible? Funny enough I went out shopping for groceries, medication and gas today and it was almost a week since I left the house because of the coof. With women I'm always cautious around them and friends used to think I'm paranoid but now they see what I see. So today I go out to get gas and the woman behind the plexiglass and mask faced counter tells me that I have to refill my gas savings card online and that she can't do it. So I just grab another card and tell her I'll take it. She didn't want me to redeem my points for some reason. I guess because I would use a discount on gas and then her boss wouldn't be happy I guess. I don't know but it certainly makes me lose trust in her and her gas station. Then I go in to get to pickup my prescription at Costco and give the woman behind the counter fifty bucks. It came out to 42.50. Then I remembered I had an extra two dollars and fifty cents. I hand her 52.50 for medication that's 42.50 and am expecting to get ten dollars back. She pretends to look for her calculator and then says she can't find it and asks me if she owes me five dollars. Obviously the calculator could be seen as distraction so that I might forget she owes me ten instead of five. All the while this is going on in my brain and it's no longer entertaining because I've seen female tellers try to pull stuff like this. I tell her it's ten and I'm not amused. Then I go into the third store and I'm in line next to get to the cashier and two girls cut in front of me because we are supposed to leave a three or four foot gap between customers. They start going up to the cashier and they are going up first. I just run around them and get to the cashier first and they look surprised.

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zdoctor 4 years ago

its easy to see.....whaman have no value at all aside from their sexuality they sell to the men out there.......walk away and find out how you can make your life much better. ...whaman are much worse then children because kids dont make false claims without a whamans coaching.

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Longshanks 4 years ago

If you see them as children, it really helps in asserting yourself in most public situations. Society will agree most of the time. But once in a while a simp will jump in to white knight, and that is when you get to treat another man like an emotional child too. It's really great and works in most professional situations, as violence guarantees you will automatically be in the right, as long as you can survive the encounter, of course.

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BornMGTOWHatedByAll 4 years ago

Because they're Satan's daughters and they were born that way

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Salty 4 years ago

Da fuk with yer intone pattern man? Seriously sux. Interferes w/ communication.

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