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Why China Can’t Win Without Russia Now That Xi/Putin Relations Have Gone Sour.

Published on 01 Feb 2024 / In Film & Animation

However I bet a 50-50 chance that this could be a possibility however, I may be wrong. It only time will tell. so I'm just giving in observation and prediction.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 year ago  

When I come to this site I will peruse the latest page,, looking over the titles of the latest postings. . Your posts usually end up on a tab on my computer because I find the title interesting.. interesting subject matter.. ya, china is built up becauyse wallstreet and british hong kong made it that way.. not sure if the west is running china still or not.. I was hoping to see Trump and Putin become familiar acquaintances... seems the so called west , through the media , did not want that to happen , using anti russia propaganda to undermine the possibilities.. to make Trump look bad.. like Russia is bad.. and average Americans falling for it.. when Putin seems to be a family first decent guy.. many talented russian people.. many white russian people.. a lion could kill any man.. yet man can pit two lions against each other just to watch them kill each other.. because that is what they do.. fight.. I don't want to kill russians or chinese.. just want to see foreigners stay out of our country.. and the ones here deported.. Trump seemed to be the only one with a clue.. The stimulus they stole from us seemed to jump start construction here in Florida.. just to have higher interest rates working against it.. but maybe that is how they are finally able to raise the interest rates again.. the theft of 2 - 3 trillion of our money.. but , I have a job and made 66 last year which is 3 over what I consider to be the bare minimum a man needs to make it.. but I am near the top of my trade.. as a cabinet tech.. and constant pressure.. We need our country back.. open borders just takes it further in the wrong direction.. just think if average workers paid their houses off by late 30's.. like I did. .and the economy stayed solid.. people could just live and enjoy their lives.. what we have had instead is impossible future.. It's a little better imo.. but far from where it should be.,. and how do they make up for the shit prospects from 2008 - 2021.. well, they could start by deporting 70 million hispanics. who came here illegally.. that's how.. heheh. seeya.

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 year ago

Florida is corrupt.. rips off it's own citizens. .and the lottery they are just making money hand over fist there and want more and more and more.. desantis is a toad imo.. in fact I voted for guillaume.. because I wont vote for arabs.,. heh. best

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jim bennett
jim bennett 1 year ago

the city of london runs world banking.. I think the catholics run it pretty much.. over the jews.. They are the illuminati..

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sauger1001 1 year ago

@jim bennett: Satan has many synagogues; Jews, Catholics, Protestants, etc just to name a few.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Hey! How did you get in my bathroom? Lol!

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It’s very interesting and sickening indeed. It escapes me in hell with Wall Street funded the Soviet Bolshevik revolution off our taxpayer money. Traitors must hang

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sauger1001 1 year ago

Don't you mean (((traitors)))? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake).

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