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Why Communism Will Never Work | Grunt Speak Shorts


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Published on 08 Dec 2021 / In News & Politics

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John_Doe 3 years ago

We do ourselves a disservice when we artificially inflate the numbers to the point of ridiculousness. If the USSR had killed 100's of millions of its own people, it would have caused its own extinction; there wouldn't have been anyone left in the USSR. The more accurate figure is somewhere around 30 million dead.

Still horrific, still inexcusable, and in no way am I being an apologist for vile Communism. But if we want to be taken seriously, then let's stick to the more accurate guestimates lest we risk being called out for BS by the opposing side who will then take a quote of an exaggerated "...hundreds and hundreds of millions dead!" as a means of discrediting our arguments against Communism

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

Communism is just a different side of the tyrannical turd. Maybe another flavor, but a turf is a turd.

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eldrazi317 3 years ago

Turd is a turd*

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sammuadam 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: have ever been to isreal!

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GenerationLESS 3 years ago

Years ago at one of the dog parks I would take my boy, one of the fellow dog owners was a woman from China that came here when she was in her early 20's. She was VERY adamant about how much she hated communism.

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The Spartan
The Spartan 3 years ago

I think the title is misleading. It should read... "Why Communism Will Never Work For The Non-Elites"

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Councilof1 3 years ago

Every person who says "it was done wrong" or "it'll work this time" actually means "if only I was in charge". It's pure ego.

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John_Doe 3 years ago

Yep. And Jordan Peterson does an excellent job of dismantling that arrogant argument. Namely, even if the person who claims to be so morally pure they could have ushered in the Utopia, they would never have gotten their chance because some other less-saintly Communist waiting in the wings would have put a bullet in the self-proclaimed messiah's head in a coup.

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