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Published on 19 Jun 2020 / In Science & Technology

◼ LINK TO THE THE FULL VERSION OF THE VIDEO : ⁣https://www.bitchute.com/video/0zshNpMOO1iI/
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⚠ RISE (R$E 1st CHANNEL) : https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC5EtLmidKchvadyrE

✝ JOHN 8:31-32
31. So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,

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EbenezerEibenhardt 5 years ago

Ehh. I tried Christianity. Tried it for 36 years. Met some young Mormon "elders". Tried to point out the logical inconsistencies of the Book of Mormon to them. Complete failure to engage or register, just blind dismissal. Still, I owe them something.

Maybe a week after they broke off contact with me I stopped to recognize that I was applying standards of logical consistency to their system I never applied to my own. Sat down and started reading through Matthew with a fresh perspective. Actually took the time to check his prophetic endorsements of the messiah as they were referenced in the OT.

Cherry picked as hell. All completely taken out of context. Actually sympathized with the pharisees for the first time - that guy was making a cheap mockery of what was basically the foundation of jewish culture, what they dedicated their lives to studying and preserving.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

There is an obvious reason why. Even though I’m neither religious nor atheist though I was raised in the LDS church, but rather I’m spiritual which as a demonologist and learning how to heal myself to become a physic and reiki master, I know and understand about Satan’s existence and his demonarchy complex which is the core roots behind all the spiritual evil forces. though you gotta be careful when it comes to religion. Truthfully God, Yahweh, Ra or our Heavenly Father/Central Creator Didn’t intend for there to be one arbitrary religion or a bunch of other religions that clashed for top dominance cause he knew that there would be a lot of division and biases, religion even though it has some of its good sides to it. still was riddled with spiritual biases that stifles good wholesome spiritual freedom, Independence and evolution towards the devine. It’s tricky...There is a god but at the same time there’s no religion. it turns out that religion and atheism are apart of the spiritual plantation designed to keep us in a perpetual state of spiritual evolutionary state of limbo and lead us towards Satanism which would inevitably lead us towards our spiritual corruption and captivity.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

And here’s how I know why ever since taking the Spiritual-RedPill. Like religion Is basically give any message that you’re not allowed to become a god is basically give any message that you’re not allowed to become a god that you’re not allowed to be truly spiritually free and independent, On the other hand on the other hand atheism tells you that there’s no spirituality that you’re a crazy wako pseudoscience fool for knowing about spirituality. It what’s even worse is that both religious people and especially atheists who Don’t believe don’t believe in any sort of religion and spirituality Suddenly get sucked into Satanism like a “snap” of a thumb.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

Because how could someone not interested in spirituality or religion suddenly get drawn to the most dangerous spiritual cult so easily and quickly. All roads lead to Satanism on the negative path and spiritual plantation. That tells you something That there are truly dark evil forces that there are truly dark evil forces trying to divert humanity away from the good spiritual path into the negative path through the spiritual plantation.

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

This is an absolute war between good and evil, A war on spirituality and consciousness.

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Holdingtheline 5 years ago

Good video and very true, time is running out and the end is at hand. Repent now and turn to Jesus, I will not go to hell with this world.

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Doggk 5 years ago

Thanks man for your quality comment, I shared that video in order to helps our brother to find a good way in their life, don't forget to hit the like bro ;-) peace up !

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Bagoodman 5 years ago

People don't know Unless they see . I Have Died twice Now i see . And I'm ready for next time . Most don't get a second Chance !

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