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Why Do Women File False Allegations - MGTOW

Published on 06 Feb 2025 / In People & Blogs

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Woman sexually assaulted by Toronto man she met on dating app: police

Sebastiano Luciano Music

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Sebastiano and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I work in a supermarket earning 35k a year and I made my own music. Two songs I put on Apple itunes & Spotify for 1.49$. Both are mgtow songs. One is about the Canadian economy called Hard Times Rolling and another song about the justice system called: Justice of the Innocence about my Court case. If you google Sebastiano luciano you see my story. I met a girl and hit it off off with her. I hooked up with her but was totally awkward and didn't know what to say so I freaked her out. She left and said that I forced myself on her which is a lie and now I'm waiting for the court case to make me innocent I was hoping you could talk about it check out the story. Also listen to my two songs and tell me your opinion and advice if you think they can get me Rich. If they're good songs and all that thank you. Well Sebastiano thanks for the donation and topic. So here's a picture of you in your orange jump suit getting your mugshot Toronto. I'm sure people are going to criticize me and ask Sandman why are you defending a Grape apologist? But the circumstances surrounding what happened to you are sketchy. You invited her over after connecting on a dating app. So odds are she never would have come over to your place if she didn't trust you and didn't want more than a peck on the cheek. She probably wanted your pecker between her cheeks. The article uses weasel words saying things like there may be more victims. How do they know that? Have they contacted all of the women that you met off of that dating app? Have they gone through your conversational history? They probably will to see if they can dig some more dirt up and make you look worse than you really are. Whatever happened to reporters using terms like alleged sexual assault. I guess they haven't started doing that in Canada yet? So she was initially attracted to you but that changed. Physical attraction gets you into the door but if she's put off your behavior or attitude then she might try and friendzone you or change her mind after coming over to meet you. Maybe she was trying to punish you because she thought you were creepy or something. I don't know what happened in your situation. You didn't really share many details and it looks like neither did she. It just seems like a he said, she said sort of thing. When I went to Ryerson University, now renamed to Metropolitan University one of my classmates had a false allegation thrown his way.

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WMHarrison94 26 days ago

Ik factor!?! Fuck the women, rather ignore them. Let them fuck themselveis. Whores are liars: Don't believe them.

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Why Do Women File False Allegations?

Because they are stupid, nasty cunts - with an IQ lower than dog shit on a nature strip.

That's why.

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WMHarrison94 26 days ago

No. Free money and attention.

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@WMHarrison94: Corrected.

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