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Why Doctors Don't Date

Published on 13 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation
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Academic Smarts - don't tend to equate with real world street wise / legalese smarts.

If a cunt comes with a cunt - avoid it.

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

True, my dad proves that point..

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@silverkinguk27: In what ways?

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Not good Financial IQ, I would say ok with Legalese. Street smarts lacking some.

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@silverkinguk27: I posted the two audio books - the millionair mind AND the millionair next door - and these are research / academic / audio books - very clever work.... and they talk about how most doctors are clueless financially... and they tend to get cleaned out by cuntish women....

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Well my dad didn't get cleaned out by my mum, but his sister in law called on a debt in which my dad's elder brother helped with the house mortgage, she called on the debt when she has 3 grown kids with big careers.Selfish woman, my dad stressed so much with debts thanks to her.. She passed away in a nursing care facility paid by my dad's money..

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@silverkinguk27: A refrigerator box from a dumpster, under a bridge, would have been more suitable. She has earned it.

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@silverkinguk27: Have you found the two files? Not get rich shit - very academic analysis on the differences and as to why some people are very responsible and manageable and are wealthy and why others are not. ---- Millionaire Next Door Audio Book 01 ------ The Millionaire Mind Audio Book 02 --

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Yea I will make sure to watch them, I had them loaded up on my chrome but the pages vanished.

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@silverkinguk27: Downlad them - these are audio books, not documentaries. Maybe rip them to MP3 and just play them all night from your phone..... or book or stereyo - This is the kind of deep smart - where you can write a chapter of information from every few lines... Maybe just ENJOY half an hour of it in the morning - every morning - with a cup or two of coffee and take lots of notes in a big school exercise books..... I have listened to these dozens of times... It's DEEP smarts and very clever analysis... Like you might not want to be super rich - but adopting this information and life style will enable you to make choices and to make very good use of your resources and to minimise waste and pissing your resources and opportunities away...... For example. Buying say 2 cups of coffee from starbucks a day (rounding up and down for expediency) = $10 per day, x 5 days a week = $50, x 48 weeks a year = $2400 a year...... x 10 years = $24,000 ------ OK now get a kilo of powdered milk at a 1 to 1 ratio with a decent instant coffee, mixed with a little cold water to make the powdered milk mix in and then add hot enough water = 20c a cup x 2 cups a day = 40c x 5 days = $2 x 48 weeks a year = $96 x 10 years = $960......... $960 making DIY coffee Vs $24,000 for Starbucks coffee. This is why people who are genuniely assett rich, because they are on coffee alone, $23,000 ahead of people who buy Starbucks... Then multily this by a whole heap of issues - and look at how many people have been sucked into the advertising industries bullshit of keeping up with the latest and greatest.... A very good quality, older second hand car @ $20,000 Vs a new mercedes at $200,000 - work out the depreciation and value loss when you drive it out of the car yard, and the total cost of owner ship and the losses of a $20,000 good quality second had car, vs a $200,000 mercedes..... This is why people who are geuinely assett rich, don't buy the status symbols and signs of affluence...... It goes for housing and locations and cost effective living

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: That's how we make coffee back in Lanka.

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@silverkinguk27: Do the car ownership maths for 5 years.... Doesn't have to be precisely accurate... generally accurate is enough... i.e. $19,527 insurance at place A , $21, 442 at place B...... Just make it $20,000 per year for insurance 5 years average, for the Mercedes...

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@silverkinguk27: Then compare that to insuring a $20,000 good quality second hand car - per year for 5 years....

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silverkinguk27 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Ya my dad has old Jag last British made one we keeping it.

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@silverkinguk27: Do the maths of a new mercedes vs a common everyday low cost second hand reliable car...

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@silverkinguk27: Check this out.... History of Industrial Design Lecture - Efficiency

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@silverkinguk27: Do the first audio book - for 30 minutes a day - and take notes etc., and get back to me with a report on what you have discovered, and where the opportunities for improvement lay - do it in the Private Messages. See you then.

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TripeSwing 1 year ago

the category/words you're looking for is 'lousy whore' versus just a regular whore.

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