Why Don't Men Attend SINGLES EVENT - Women LONELINESS EPIDEMIC - Women Hitting The Wall
Why don't MENN attend Singles events? Well isn't it fucking obvious. here they are wanting things to go back to a time when MEN were happy to go out with a women sit talk, have a nice meal and cuddle up, which is what one of the women say's as she asks that very question, what happened to MEN they say/ Well I'll tell you, Modern women and feminism happened to MEN that's what happened. Many MEN that have walked away really don't even think about women or relationSHIT's anymore. Women have become so "Alien" to MEN in general to a point wqhere they just cannot be trusted and MEN refuse to waste the preasious time they have to do theiy MAN things, hobbies, interest's and unhindered anything in fact. modern women are basically CUNT's and if there are any good one's out their then they have to pay the price for the nature of all their other "SISTER'S" Shitty attitude. If a MAN wanted to hanf out with a masculine person thensurely he would be gay? and far to many modern women asr FAR TO Masculine for my liking. Frminism killed Femininity in women and that one thing along has broken the MALE female connection. It's women who are confused not MEN, this is why MEN can walk and start again beccause we have a logical brain that doesn't work or want to be like the scattered, shattered brain of a STUPID women. jus to show how dumb women are one of tyhem in this video said something like there were over 90 people on their own, well it's a fucking Singles night who else is gonna be there? lol! No women could EVER entise me to get into any kind of Realtion/SHIT with them, it's gine, it's over for good - MY GOOD.
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Males aren't going because they are better off on their own