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Why Don't Women Ask Men Out? - MGTOW

Published on 17 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Sebastian de la o and Here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman and Gracias for the response! I notice lately you are delving more into human psychology. The how and why folks do things. Regarding you having aspergers syndrome, no I ain't buying it. I believe everyone is on the spectrum, period. Social awkwardness is the default for men. Imagine a social nerd 17 yrd old girl at the high school dance. Shes uncomfortable in a dress, make up and high heels but shes dam cute. Guys approach and take her to the dance floor she runs home at midnight and loses a slipper... But the awkward guys are holding up the wall. sipping from a bottle of vodka and hoping a fight breaks out cuz thats how they feel more comfortable. Who is better suited for the dating market? I believe modern life has denied young men socially acclimating interactions. And where are the gender positive role models? Sooooo, no it isnt you it's this feminized Soyciety." Well Sebastian De La O thanks for the donation and topic. I can understand why you might think that Aspergers or the autistic spectrum isn't real. Most men's social Iq is 70. They don't get most women's social cues unless we consciously learn to pickup on them. Which is the definition of being on the spectrum, not getting ordinary social cues. While most guys are clueless when it comes to women with regards to their buddies and other parts of their life they aren't. I'm not built like most men. I can't make eye contact easily with complete strangers but individuals I do know I can make eye contact with and it's easy. In the past my ancestors never would have dealt with this because they would only interact with two or three hundred people their entire lives so seeing someone they weren't familiar with was a potentially dangerous thing to do. Evolutionarily look down and not make direct eye contact which could be seen as a threat so looking away means you aren't showing any aggression. You are submitting to the other person and therefore you're less likely to fight. I could be like that because of a decade of bullying when I was younger. I understand that looking someone in the eye doesn't mean we are going to fight each other. I understand all of this yet at the same time I can't help but feel the way I do socially awkward. This is the way my father and grandmother were as well.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Amiba 6 months ago

Women want us guys to ask them out. However, we have common sense, so we go our own way, far away from those 304s (in my case, maintaining, expanding, and repairing my collection of vintage CRT TVs).

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sauger1001 6 months ago

I'm sure it's pure coincidence, but this lady seems to have been on more than a few stock photos of your videos, sir. And yes, she's not bad looking at all. Lol!

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WMHarrison94 6 months ago

Isn't that a young Denise Richards before Charlie Sheen the Machine... er gave it to her baby (from a song)... made a baby in her? Now, bith of them are on OnlyWhores together!? Winning!? NOOoooo!

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zdoctor 6 months ago

THE REASON WOMEN NEVER ASK MEN the same reason why car salesmen never come to your house. the car salesmen knows your walking through the door for one reason....the your just casually looking or ready to buy... ....whaman want you to be committed to asking them out because whaman are the biggest salesmen by ( being the prize when in reality YOU are the prize but you dont know it ) showing some legs....making their fake up perfect to draw men to them instead of them to a man. every inch of a whaman is to be made attractive so you want to go TO them although many today do not realize that being a boss bitch ( cunt ) , with tattoos, piercings, orange and blue hair and a mouth like a truck driver is NOT ATTRACTIVE to men. ....WHAMAN ARE IN SALES EVERY DAY.....they try to sell themselves every day as a saint online, in person, while at the store, at work etc... ...very much like a car salesmen selling you a car thats a lemon but YOU think its a deal when YOU the prospective buyer wants a car your already a victim as you walked into a car dealership. ..the salesmen knows your not there to buy bread and milk....not to shop for jeans....your there for a car. ...sooo hes already 2 steps ahead of you JUST LIKE A WHAMAN WHEN SHES SELLING HERSELF AND YOU WALK UP TO HER!!!!.. ...this is why when men avoid them and do not talk to them at all it makes them crazy because they made their sales pitch and you walked right by. ..IF YOU UNDERSTAND THAT WHAMAN MAKE THEMSELVES THE ATTRACTIVE " PROFESSIONAL VICTIM " THEN YOU REALIZE THE GAME IS ALREADY LOST BEFORE YOU START....THEY WIN EVERY TIME UNLESS YOU DONT PLAY THE GAME. ...this is why so many men are simp bitch idiots.. they lead with biology instead of reason. ....LIVE FREE GENTLEMEN...HOLD THE LINE AND RETIRE EARLY. ....avoid them at all cost!!!!

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