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Why Don’t They Eat Billions of Animals in Australia?

Published on 18 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

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sbseed 2 years ago

LMAO, auzzieland has plagues...

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MSR82 2 years ago

Jeez, foreigners just treated Australia as a massive hunting/breeding ground, not caring about the ramifications of bringing in outside animals where they don't belong.

That being said I'll admit that what IS unique to Australia scares the shit out of me, namely massive snakes and spiders. So uh, visiting Australia isn't in the cards lol.

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A lot of people like to crochet their webs into little cages and they wear the spiders as ear rings..... Quite trendy actually... and they are so cute. I mean what's not to like about them?

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sbseed 2 years ago

australia was a dumping ground for murders/rapists/etc. scum, rodents and things where always hitching rides there...

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@sbseed: Well that explains me.... my not so distant inlaws were real pirates in Bass Straight, where the sailing ships from England were coming through and if they had not been able to sight the sun for a couple of days, then they could be way off course and had to sail between Tasmania (state) and the mainland (Continent of Australia) - which was wide enough, except it could be one of the roughest bits of ocean in the world, so dear olf great grandpa, and his buddies would light signal fires on the wrong end of the Island, and run the ships aground onto the rocks, and it would usually kill the people on board, and they would cut the fingers off the bodies to get the gold rings and the cargo that washed up on shore or was in the shallows... My family is full of cunts. I am the nice one.

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bigintol03 2 years ago

I've always wanted to visit Australia, ever since I saw Crocodile Dundee in '86! lol

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sauger1001 2 years ago

I'm highly naive when it comes to most of the world, but I guess there aren't enough predators (snakes, dingos, cats, birds of prey, etc) to go around? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake).

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sauger1001 2 years ago

I guess my question was answered, thanks.

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@sauger1001: Mouse plauges....... I got off light. After the cats had eaten their fill I only caught 56 in one week.... Ugghhhhhhh

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