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Why Feminists Hate MGTOW

Published on 12 Apr 2022 / In Film & Animation

⁣Why Feminists Hate MGTOW

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Menwalkaway 3 years ago  

Not my video
all rights belong to actual


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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

True that. I think of feminism as a black fat lady on a comedy special-- on stage ,"Yo fucking NAZIs-- how dare you walk away from my plantation. You never going to get a plantation like this again." The crowd roars as it agrees. Then, she looks out into the crowd, "Where are the men dat?"" Yep. Female Nature - Uh-huh.

As overly educated and perhaps too philosophical being myself, I see how for early men myths and legends and some their "oral histories" as poems and later texts passed on female nature: Too bad the majority of modernity men are not reading the past literature and poems or songs. The Bible has the motif of an abusive queen manipulating her beta king husband-- the woman with the painted face motif: fortunately, the high priest would not be swayed by her beauty and fed her evil ass to her own dogs-- long before Game of Thrones. Or even with David and the king's pretty daughter, King Saul's daughter fuck-- something starting with an A. Anyways, he rewarded his top general with her hand in marriage, but she kept sneaking off banging the former shepherd David the current bad boy. God of Israel (El Elohim- the God Most High) told the Israelites "You do not want a king." They said they did to be like other nations... oh man, bad move on their part. The in-fighting with King Saul and El's Chosen David while also fighting the Canaanites (or Phoenicians to us in History), one of the children of David raping another, David's murder of a soldier so he could sleep with his soldier's wife thus fathering Solomon, who somehow manage to succeed himself as King, Solomon's passionate affair with the Queen of Sheba, his son with the Queen of Sheba, his neglect of his fellow Jews seeing them as likely inferior, and his hyping up of himself with his wisdom to other foreign kings, which ultimately led to Israel splitting into two kingdoms and the lost two tribes when the smaller kingdom fell in war. Not to mention that most of Sigmund Freud's early psychology "finds" literally came from Greek mythology, the Oedipus Effect! Oh yeah, there's a lot of rediscovery old knowledge going on...kind of like what the New Agers describe the Age of Enlightenment or Age of Aquarius where arts flourish independently along with our knowledge or sciences in (their interpretation) this flux of feminine energies (thus creativity, innovation, and renovation) and the desperate Satanic Globohomos trying to steal that feminine energies as "Feminism." I am enjoying watching them fail.

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Councilof1 3 years ago

I've never understood guy's who allow women to use them without giving as good as they get.

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sardonicsmile 3 years ago

Lies and deception are the fundamental tools of females. Period.
Females are NOT the victims of Feminism; they ARE the Perpetrators. This is their behavior stemming from female Nature.
Females have massively overplayed their hand. They want to disrespect, act too good, give shit tests and be abusive. We are NOT falling for it.

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Menwalkaway 3 years ago


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Menwalkaway 3 years ago

men are walking away

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profhugodegaris 3 years ago

i.e. written beforehand, then read aloud and filmed, providing a much more idea dense presentation, than guys who ramble on, thinking in real time, at snail's pace, hence boring.

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