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Why flying boats went extinct overnight - Saunders Roe Queen

Published on 15 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation

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awol201 5 hours ago

This was excellent . Thank you .

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sbseed 7 hours ago

i would like to see something similar...
it would be like the ultimate flying fortress, but be able to land on water and land...
also, having a versatile fuel arrangement would be sweet, have to have some kind of unique reactor/power converter to supply energy to the engines...

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Yeah there are many fascinating designs for things along those lines.... BUT people start fighting with stick, then someone brings stones, so the other side makes spears, and then the other side makes arrows, then the other side makes armour, and then the other side creates cross bows.... and so on and so forth..... Have you seen this? Small RPG's that can punch through maybe a meter or more of armour plate? Episode 46. Grenade launchers. Combat vampires ---- As stinumlating as some aspects of war actually are, some people create some amazing stuff, and some other people create some counter - amazing stuff. Some people invade an area, some people invent pits and traps and land mines... the other side invents mine detectors, and the mine makers start making them out of glass, plastic and wood..... and so on and so forth....

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