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Why gamers and Hollywood critics will never ever get why its all going to shit

Published on 03 Jul 2020 / In Non-profits & Activism

The reason why everything in entertainment is going to shit

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cth96190 5 years ago

Uncle Adolf was correct.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

True, Careful with hitler, He was also an occultist lucifarian. Both sides were funded by the Rockefeller's. Hitler saved germany only to be picked on by jews. What people don't realise is that the Jews went to war with germany... not the other way round

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Zerofucks: Exactly. the jews provoked hims and funded him. Hitler basically showed the world. you fuck with us... we fuck with you. just leave us be.but the zionists couldn't leave germany be because it was going to expose and destroy the illusion of usery which were all enslaved to today

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Zerofucks:nazi germany is only the tip of the ice berg of lies, Einstein , space, tarteria, world wars... its all been hidden on purpose. People think friday the 13th is just a cool film. Infact Fri the 13th was the day we exposed luciofarian masons and burned them at the stake in the center of town. Guy fawkes. He didnt want to end gov at all. He was a mason himself. He wanted to stop the translation of the KJV into english for the common folk and King james was also a black isralite. Our entire history is made up. We did not evolve with monkies and darwin was tasked to see how far the royal family could inbreed. He even lead his own family into impostence and disease. They then used that bullshit knowledge and used it as "evolution". The more you look, the more lies you see and all from the same people/bloodlines. The key to Red Pill is understanding everything you know is a lie. Everything you held on to as knowledge was someone elses to fuck you up on the real path of truth. The truth will set you free so that why there is a war on truth. On a side note. I seem to be the only one around me to take the sacrifice to convey the truth. It takes someone with guts, balls and a sense of got nothing left to do this.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Zerofucks: and their currency is not commerce, its blood. We are nothing but animals on their big farm

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Zerofucks: sorry for late reply. I personally think they trying to keep the "psychopathic gene" pure hehe

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Zerofucks: You just told me 2 new terms to research lol TY. From my perspctive i have come across this a wierd way. I am white but always super interested in our history. That the first men on thye planet were lack. These were the black isralites. Now i cannot remember quite what happened but basically its become the white jews vs the black isralites. Its these white jews that we know todays as zionists or luciifarians. I will literally will have to go back to a few speakers and books to re top up. The problem with learning too much id you forget a lot. You don't get the repeated imprinted memory you get from using it cuz your always learning something new. Thats why its key to save things because since 2018 censorship has been rampant and when you look for the evidence you once watched or witnessed its gone. make you look stupid but thats why i save thinggs.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Zerofucks: i just come off a 9 hour stream. My first one. Im tired and i couldn't read it lol. Ill read it in the morning bro. TY again for the information.It seems you know more than me ;). a good thing

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

@Zerofucks: its the tinnitus bud

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