RedPill Asylum vol 3 - RedKnight
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Continuing you. From our anatomy, we can say we are different from these mating ritualistic once a year species which are triggered by environmental factors. Our women, ie wombman-- man with a womb, have a curious anatomical organ that to my knowledge, no other animal has. The uterus, ie the womb, has "spiral arteries." As the womb expands, these spiral arteries open up to supply blood to the zygote and fetus. So, why the 13 month fertility circuit? The moon. Ancient men realized quite easily that women's moods and fertility cycle was tied to the month. The average lunar month is 28 days: the woman's fertility cycle is 28 days. What is the fertility cycle? It's a biochemical dance of three hormones in her body...Her feelings, her hormones, her anger, are all tied up to three rotating hormones-- rotating in concentrations throughout the bloodstream to each other... Estrogen and Progesterone are the two most prominent. Have a nice day... remember as TFM has stated, her feelings are her awareness or consciousness. Those feelings are her reality. The other hormones is LT or LHT... lutenising hormone, err I need to double check the spelling just in case your were wondering it stimulates the follicle stimulating hormone FSH, which starts the fertility cycle.
The author of this video is more correct than he thinks. That thing inside you that seeks Truth: That is your soul, a piece of God of Israel given onto you during your momma's ovum and your dadda's sperm during fertilization, where the Spark of Life occurs. When you listen to that voice inside, that drive to seek Truth... that is the divine giving you bread crumbs, but beware, curiosity still kills the cat! Well, this is longer than I expected.
Let them have their cake and eat too. As the fucking fiat currency goes to shit , women will be soon selling their bodies or even giving it for free for food, shelter and protection.
It is guaranteed, no fiat currency, no rule of law !!
Bad boys are mysterious, violent and unpredictable.