Why I'm Grateful The Muslims Never Conquered Latin America
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Published on 09 Dec 2024 / In
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06:04 I'm technically an evangelical Chrisitan bro I won't convert to islam BuddyBoyo
It never began for ArabConquestadorCels
Where theres Browns, Blacks, S.E. Asians, Arabs and Brics, there is going to be some Islamic influence. Get used to it. its coming... Hard and fast. No part of the world is safe from it. The west has made so many enemies that our enemies are converting. Is ANYONE looking at islam's growth numbers lately? Its fucking mind-blowing. As of 2024, it is estimated that there are over 2.04 billion Muslims in the world.
In eastern European countries for whore maxing, do you ever think of a cover story? If asked why are you here boyo in this hellhole? Soviet Union tourism, I consider the Soviet Union to have been based, hate American capitalism, their puritanism also like Freud said disparagingly against americunts. Wouldn't locals feel insulted, come here for the whores. Do the people just mind their business, are they atomized like Americans. So just avoid gypsy-curry motherfuckers and low class white trash "chavs" there. I have heard from other whoremaxers that Slavic women can be mechanical and life denying condom blowjobs, pay extra for that bullshit upgrade.