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Why I'm Voting for Trump (Again) | Live From The Lair


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Published on 10 Aug 2020 / In News & Politics

⁣After being called a member of the "Trump cult" and/or a "Trumpanzee" for simply telling the truth and calling it how it is, Popp explains why he voted for Trump before and will again.

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CosmicKitty 5 years ago

Keep doing what your doing Popp! My son introduced me to to MGTOW.TV thanks to him actively following your videos. Glad to see youtube has competition now. Anyone interested, Twatter and Fakebook have competition now too. Its Parler. You can find it in the app store. Look for me there. Uncensored free speech. Its about time!

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cogclog 5 years ago

when his casino went down all casino in the same area went down from lack of traffic

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Igor MGTOW And Video Games

Terrence Popp is the best Popp

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ShadowMonk 5 years ago

The whole point is That’s a treasonous Democrats didn’t have our best at heart which they got really wealthy off of China thank you Diane Feinstein for example. There was a 16 year plan There was a 16 year plan to destroy America by the horrible treasonous deep state swamp creatures including Obama IE berry Sutorro from Kenya not truly Obama born in us which is a lie, but rather berry is was a bought off subordinate from Saudi Arabia who we knew him as Barack Obama. He and other DS officials like Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Gorge W. Bush were treasonous puppet presidents who came up with the 16 year plan to culturally bankrupt, sell away America’s economy/educational + military strength and independence to a foreign communist adversary IE China to ultimately reduce America knowingly and orchestratedly to a third world country where the illegals can storm in along with the social Marxist anarchists to destroy and corrupt this beloved nation that was Thee greatest beacon of true patriotic freedom and national sovereignty as the world’s superpower and blue print of liberty.

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