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Why I Feel Sorry For Average At Best Looking Women


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Published on 25 Sep 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Parz 2 months ago

@35:20 That's so true men have to stick together. Only in Hollywood movies do men make a change alone. In real life men must stick together to make a difference.

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Ihateniggers 4 months ago

Is watching MGTOW.TV good for you?

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CowboyUp 4 months ago

how much speaking Spanish helps with baddies yea some girls who can't speak English will choose me maybe but that make me less exotic? Maybe they think I'm a local and know pricing better than "gringos"? Many girls don't speak good English but I wouldn't know what a language barrier is like, my profile all my messages are in Spanish. Speaking the same language builds comfort and I imagine makes it seem less formal and more fun. Many girls have told me their ideal daddy is younger and attractive, one girl said she would not go out with guys over 40. Well yea not all girls are broke but anything is possible. USA keep battling for fattest country in the world. Mexico has a lot of short fat chicks and girls with extra belly. Not my thing. They know how to hide it and some even have very cute faces. Yea San Pedro has a lot of stunners. Check out Fashion Drive Mall. But CDMX or any city in Mexico I've been to can not compare to the over abundance of beauty in Brazil where its everywhere. been to a few times and have had nothing but very happy experiences with girls there even the pros were super to me, but the more volume they have the more likely they will give you less of a time. The reason mgtow is good is because it is a place to meet low volume girls. I'm in arizona and thought Tijuana would be my go to quick destination but I might consider future with the us

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Hey, Thanks to A M R for upgrading the servers. Keep TFM safe.

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MartinGOLDBERG 4 months ago

Honestly, I would knock up (not marry) that Muslim phd Pooja. She's not a Tamil and our offspring would look much better than if she gets with some beta bux Dravidian simp.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 months ago

I’m appalled sir, I thought you had better taste in women. In all seriousness your genetics will upgrade hers.

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MartinGOLDBERG 4 months ago

@Alpha Male Lifestyle: Think of it as a charity case. We need to slowly uplift the masses. I went to Mexico and holy mackerel it's dysgenic central

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BasedEscortCel100 4 months ago

@MartinGOLDBERG: yeah a lot of arrogant goblinas maybe. In town centers in US cities, I witness anglobitches that are attractive, but all are in pre established relationships, the guys they are with always are a few deathnics, lots of white oofy doofies, standard-issue-white-guys, frat bros, or wiggers. The guys seem really without intellect, basedness, or charisma, just really docile because any social blunders or incorrect statement and anglobitch cuts him off.

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TfG 4 months ago

@BasedGrecoRomanPatriarchy: You are a total incel. Even curry women can look down on you. Actually I have a theory which is proving more correct by the day on people who have been moved to the Americas being the trash of other societies. The good thing is if the elites stop aviation for the 99% then the losers will be kept over there. Lets look at who migrated there: African slaves, the low IQ plebs who could be caught easily. European desperados/rejects who were mostly low class, and a group of browns (whatever they were over there) who were conquered so easily. Apart from the WASP, bunch of trash went over there. They took you to Disneyland. Now reality is coming. But stay over there trash.

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BasedEscortCel100 4 months ago

@TfG: Jews are superior to WASP, acronym sounds redundant should be MAP matriarchal anglo protestant to convey image of a standard-issue-white-dude or oofy doofy, white germania Chad is a different species altogether. You would have gone too far by calling me a goy, goy like some anglo snownigger or curry shitskin. US is officially becoming idiocracy with female mate selection, no big loss being rejected in the dating game, it's just anglo or ethnic women. I really deep inside prefer the Stacies from Germany, east Europe, or Mediterranean. I have already had superior pussy in the form of Russian and Italian giga Stacy, it's going to be hard for me to settle down with anglo American women might as well be "angler-fish", it would be a step down.

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Alex568 4 months ago

@BasedGrecoRomanPatriarchy: The Jews stick together and support each other, while the western cucks; especially the Anglosaxons, stab each other in the back and put foreign savage races before their own people. Hence they are losing demographically.

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BasedEscortCel100 4 months ago

@Alex568: true. From a social perspective, anglos are just meant for working like white niggers with jews at the top studying torah and being a light to the goyim and a few mgtows providing black pill ideas as well because jews may tend to fall easily by the blue pill route on white people shitskin people and women, things like anglo philosophy/religion/spirituality, family, romance, friendship, just seem like it's superficial and some kind of cheap second rate jew or Greek/roman imitation... they have no deep conversations, no deep relationships, no deep souls. You gotta travel to another country to whore or wife max because anglo women have become darwinian puritans.

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Alex568 4 months ago

@BasedGrecoRomanPatriarchy: In the UK, everyone seems fake and superficial; it's like talking to robots. They don't have any authentic thoughts, they simply tell you what they think is 'acceptable' or 'politically correct' at the time. They are the biggest proponents of open borders, race mixing, feminism e.t.c. so their countries need to be destroyed, otherwise they will destroy the entire planet. I expect the BRICS nations to rise as the west falls.

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Alex568 4 months ago

@BasedGrecoRomanPatriarchy: The ancient Greeks and Romans made a grave mistake by allowing large numbers of genetically inferior people to migrate to their countries over the centuries; at least 50% of modern Greece is Middle Easterners and North Africans with Greek sounding names, that's why that country hasn't accomplished anything in centuries. Italy is in the same boat.

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BasedEscortCel100 4 months ago

@Alex568: I don't know about that. You are supposed to have a diversity of phenotypes. If it's uniform as in Chinese, blacks, or some Scandinavian people blonde blue eyed (not enough you need good facial structure, muscles, Chad personality and charisma, skills, etc.) , then you are dealing with a beast of labor goy nation because they are coming out all looking the same like a factory product. Italy and Greece probably had some small amounts of genetic input from Judea, Gaul, germania, Syria, Persia, turkey, etc but not significant, but no Apefrican or curry either. Greeks and jews didn't approve of interfaith or inter-nation marriages, their fathers used to choose the mates for their daughters for most of history.

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