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Why i Left the vegan cult this morning. - plant based eater debunks earthling ed

Published on 20 Jul 2020 / In People & Blogs

Note that i never belonged in the new age feminist dominated beliefs. I related to their love for animals and nature but they have become lying propaganda and i suspect of him being an NWO shill. I take you threw the debunking in the video

⁣*notice. I am not an expert. fro example i mix up the eastern and western honey bees.I have only had an interest for less than 3 months and gathered enough information to debunk lies and mis interpretations. There may be mistake in this video. If any "NATURAL" Bee keepers would like to elaborate or expand i wouod absolutly be excited to learn and correct any information where needed.

I have dropped the vegan Label specifically because of this video Earthling Ed posted. It was full of miss information and vegan propergander.
I Explain most in this video.

I am not funded, i have no followe4s.I am a empath male that wants whats best in this world. Miss information,mis interpretation and slander through proxy should not be tolerated.

Earthling Ed has put out miss information. Unlucky for him i have been looking into bees the last 3 months so i know "enough" to debunk his lies and exaggeration mixed in with some truths.

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Northlander113 5 years ago

Artificial insemination of queens is done so that: the commercial hive owners can actively track, document and sell queens of specific breed; to maintain genetic cohesion of a hive (supersisters); and to experiment with making hybrids. The typical process in which a queen is inseminated is a mating flight in which she flies out of the hive and releases pheromones to attract drones. The drones can be from any hive within a 3 mile radius and from wild or domestic hives of any shape size or description. As for the "cruel" treatment of drones, a drones sole purpose is to inseminate a queen, nothing else. During which their abdomen literally explodes, barring that they are either eaten by the hive if they run short of food or are driven off. In areas that have or run the risk of Africanized honey bees It is one of the only ways to prevent your hives from slowly becoming Africanized. Short of purging your hives every few years of queens you suspect have been bred with Africanized drones

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 5 years ago

wow, That was enlightening. I should have figured that out but i didn't at all. I just read up on them. The bees themselves during harsh times kill em off to survive. Im still learning and i want to. eventually i do want to beekeep. Thank you. if you have more throw it my way!!! I still don't agree with it but now i understand why.

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