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Why Indians Are Extremely Dangerous To White People


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Published on 05 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

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Avacados 2 months ago

Curry niggers hooking up with white girls is never the "right thing".

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Those white girls are probably Irish-americans, thsts mosf of the mudsharks 25% a quarter, its insane. "Irish need not apply". That's why throughout history English saw them as curries and waged wars to exterminate them.

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MGTOW_Brony 2 months ago

Where is coach bitch pills new channel

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Toki 2 months ago

I thought that guy got sent to gulag?

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Ozmosis 2 months ago

@Toki: Your thinking of coachredpill who died like a dumbass trying to be a martyr in ukrain. Coachblackpill who AML is always referring to as coach bitch pill was a nasaly voice australian blackpill channels who was basicly like the high school gossip girl of the manosphere he would always make diss like response video especially towards mgtow content creators he didnt like but Im not sure if he did any torwards AML. He goes by another name now but i forget becuase i never really watched his stuff he was always super cringy youtube would recomend me his videos because I would always watch more super based blackpill conten.

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Toki 2 months ago

Don't worry AML. Vivek's white woman wife will divorce him eventually and leave him in MeToo court/homeless/prison. She's still in the female investor phase.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

Can't wait this day. This piece of shit and Elon want us to never retire to have cuckold money to pay their golddigging exes

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: You don't simp for wealthy squatters like Musk and Trump? Cracks me up how so many men hate the Clintons, Obamas, etc. But Musk and Trump are "The good ones." Apparently. Still just like the migrants and single moms who squat and collect a free ride off working men's production.

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She'll get on the dating apps. The currycel would be happy if his white girl got passed around by Chad and Tyrone, but will get pissed off if it turns out to be a yogiosbs untouchable type fellow currycel or some white standard issue white guy pothead.

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Vivek has a currycel ugly wife. Only black pookies and the white version some pothead will bang her... but only with the lights off, bag on her face, and blue balled for month with drugs and alcohol

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Hey now better to be a marijuana enjoyer than a businessman who fucks people over just to attain wealth to get laid. Like Vivek because he needs money to get laid.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: I thought Vivek had a white woman wife? Oh well. Either way she's a prostitute using him and he deserves to get fucked by the system for supporting a prostitute (a human female.)

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@Toki: women are prostitutes, pets, and property (PPP).

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@Toki: that's whole reason to attain wealth, it's for securing pussy.

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@Toki: well, he's probably doing it to appear like a good curry, be accepted by white Americans, although he's culturally American no goofy Indian accent and scammy or over-friendly personslity thats labeled creepy (creepy=ugly), I bet the parents being black pilled did not teach him curry language because it's inferior, all ethnics or deathnics have racial awareness (for ethnics) or chad awareness (for whites). Maybe on the side has had some white girl hookups with political groupie women and escorts. It just wouldn't be a good image, self hating curry with the white woman that lacks Chad awareness, although white and curry mixes got what's called genetic recombination pill, the offspring could come out beautiful or ugly, because curries are more Caucasian their facial structures than blacks, I have seen blacks men with really beautiful white women and the children just look like other blacks, that seems like most cases some ogre.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: I know it's pathetic how men chase wealth just to be accepted by some whores.

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@Toki: not accepted... to be able to gain sexual access and do what you want with her body sexually. With money, you can get the giga-stacy experience. I have been with giga stacies sexually, or girl next door Stacy types, milf Stacies. It's awesome, like ordering pizza, it's heaven. It's only depressing when you have to cut down on it due to bills, I'm a money-cel.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100 you have to make long term sex contracts with 30-40 year old single moms from Eastern Europe and SE Asia. They will let you low ball them if they're attracted to you, older then you, and desperate for money. Also their SMV is only average but about a 7 in America. A 7 in America charges $400/hr. I go for a 90-95% discount. Only thing is you need is 100% remote work to keep the cycle going.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: all a man needs is a small room with maids, food delivery, a gym, and a slut who will drop everything to come over without drama, then login to the computer for more money

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: It really isn't though. It's one of those things in life that sounds great until it happens. Then you realize it's just meh and your could have been at home gaming doing something productive and responsible. Like an adult. Instead of a being a cocaine addict.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: Or just not be a simp and offer to pay them anything at all. Make them pay you. Or be an adult and refuse all irresponsible behavior. Sort of like why you don't do meth. I like the idea of maids, but I would want robot maids not real women. Real women are simply Evil incarnate.

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@perfection9669: that's the appeal of remote work, easier rents and sex. That's crazy sounds like science fiction, average in eastern Europe but then Stacy in America. I checked escort sites for eastern Europe using reddit for tips, they have so many and even 18 year old, you don't see that in America, even the LA and Vegas porn companies gotta pay 1000 or 2000 for a standard issue white American girl.

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@Toki: paid sex with Giga Stacy or standard issue white girl "next door," type should be as easy as buying steak in the supermarket, it shouldn't cost a months rent and it should be like "where's waldo" game. When you have to repress something, it's ungodly. Good luck attracting a standard issue white American girl , women can only truly love warriors, that's why they go crazy for violent criminal assholes, in the Bible they went crazy for king David because he killed thousands of philistines, but king David was a good guy

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@Toki: yes they are evil, but they are property, pets, and pleasure machines, should have no free agency.

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@Toki: yeah one should master impulses, paid sex or masturbation is the hardest thing out there

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: I'm not renting whores. Good to see you're a good sport though. You haven't gotten mad at us here. Are you new to this site?

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Fapping is easy. Remember I only like anime women/game women. Real women are not attractive to me anymore. I have Honey Select so I'm good. No real women can compare to the perfection of my Honey Select Princess Peach, Samus, Cynthia of Pokemon, etc. Also the fake woman AI art is already far better than real woman. They have to simp for me or I'm not biting. I've been hurt mentally because of women and I was done about 18 years ago. Maybe if I lived in E Europe it would be more tempting. But I live in fat women M America where they listen to rap music and shit. Disgusting. They talk like men/sailors. They walk like males. Their consumer habits are just depressing to see the low IQ. For example I find any woman with a Girlphone (smartphone) to be unappealing because low IQ consumer.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Yes women are State Property. Just like how men are today. That's another reason to avoid sex because it's for reproduction. Why reproduce in communism?

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: E Euro women huh? OK. Here's my standards

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: yes. Androcentric lifestyle. Nothing better than lifting weights, cardio, meats, wine, reading books, black pill videos, and ideally slut to fuck and let off some steam, also snuggle. Eastern Europe seems promising, I'm not saying they have skinheads lynching africoons or currycels or even the anglocels sometimes is needed a little bit, but it seems like these subgroups are few as tourists, and imagine Thailand cheap-ass rents, abundant pussy, no anglo puritanical norms, and they are not gooks but whites albeit Slavics, Russians are said to be Magog as in gog and magog, that's based.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: eastern europe is better. I go to Russia. It is just too cold right now. But March is s good time to go back and maybe the war will be over.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@Toki i agree they dont deserve a cent. Unfornately there is no demand for even above average normie whites until they hit the wall. I make decent coin dropping 20-40/hr for 5-10 hrs of sex an week allows for me to focused on other matters and can make back the money easier.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@Toki most men with live in girlfriends are having to spend more money feeding, util, insurance, and more sq footage for her.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100 Also TestE is legal in Thailland. As someone in their mid 30s I think I would like to do some more cycles without worrying about it being illegal and getting it off the dark internet. I do get annoyed by the currycel influx in Thailand just a very noisy and energy sucking race.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: So you're a drug addict being used by the worst drug dealers of all? Get video games man. Waifus. Abandon real women and let them become homeless as they deserve for being whores. Parasites. One of these days these hookers will get their boyfriend to rob you. The man who doesn't pay her because she pays him. While you pay to get cucked and share a Fleshlight that can not be washed and sanitized properly. You want to buy my old pocket pussy by the way?

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@perfection9669: that's the appeal of remote work, could be working in another country and banging the local women, seems easier, the US is hard mode. Rehab room acknowledged my point in last video, some incel took dancing classes as a jester who would enjoy that shit except spics with their gay salsa, and then saw it was 70 percent males. The main reason to leave the US is the sausage fest.

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@Toki: what about making porn that is degrading to women, face fuck her hard, have her rim you, slap her, do that sort of thing, do it with dumbass white girls zoomer or millennial. Have fun, also get some kind of revenge.

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@Toki: this is so true.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@Toki: Test isnt being a drug addict its literally healthy for males. I do play games and have POE2 and Ashes of Creation. These Thailand woman aren't going to rob me. They only come to my security guarded condo and leave. The only thing of value in the room is my 2 laptops not going to be worth it. This ain't Columbia.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: yes i am just here in Thailand. Great place to get some work done and learn a Stacey language (Russian/Spanish). Not waste time being some incel jester in the states with 80% of your work absorbed back into the single mom/war machine system that benefits us men 0.0%

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@Toki i would like woman to go homeless but the state and white knights are not going to allow that and not much we can do about it just ourselves.

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@perfection9669: nice. Do you find noodle-whore women attractive? They are higher iq and easier to talk to then American women, irish-americans seem the most trashy and dumb, but noodle whores don't do it for me sexually, just the plain Asian features. Americanized noodles can be as mean and brutal as suburban white girls or trailer park white girls.

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@perfection9669: many should be homeless, most women cannot get skills in trades, engineering, medicine, just study bullshit degrees like marketing or communications, but can survive minimum wage jobs by living with parents, several other female roommates, or getting a bullshit sales job. Anglos, curries, and africoons are the biggest manginas out there.

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@perfection9669: white women are niggers and curries combined.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: not nearly as much as white woman. They give me chad sex/"monkey double backflips" as Coach Greg Adams calls it. So i would say its geninue attraction to pay to go away. White anglo woman give me starfish sex because im not a Chad. Ukrainian woman give me something in between. I guess because Russian/Ukraine guys are about on par with Brits/Irish guys looks wise. I dont find Asian woman very intellectual just less disagreeable and complaint. White woman are actually more intelligent but have stupid programming in their head. I would make an exception for maybe Asian uni girls but I have not really done dating in Asia only Russia. Asia seems to be a p4p thing unless you go off the beaten path. Russians in cities like St Petersburg are actually easier to get coffee dates with.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100 most white woman in Russia who want to date westerns have good command of English and work in IT though to not be a $500/month slave. So maybe I am over estimating their mean IQ. However I think the village ones who only know Russian might be as dumb as American woman just more feminine since there is not a big welfare state allowing them to be a piece of shit.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100 Asian woman will message you first on dating apps but give very boring generic convo. Russian woman will try to be intellectual but mix in their liberal university bullshit which is annoying and tell me America is a paradise full of freedom which clearly its not and get mad/disagreeable if you explain the issues there. So you still need to lie and let them live in their bullshit. Explaining things logicially just makes them angry and ruins the date.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100 it also helps that Russian isnt full of westerns trying to go on dates compared to Asia. So less competition for smarter ones. Most westerners dont like EE they want sunshine and anime. I am on a plane to Japan atm full of westerners. When I take a plane to Russia they are shocked someone with shitty Russian is on the plane and switch to English.

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@perfection9669: that sounds reasonable, good observations.

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@perfection9669: they saw too much goy-tainment and soy tv shows like Friends. I cannot stand watching those shows like Seinfeld or Friends anymore, these oofy doofy guys or average-cels just bump and spill coffee on women, who happen to be beautiful, young, not divorced, no children, by herself no clique or boyfriend around, it happens anywhere anytime, waiting in line to order food or in the gym or at work... its just too ridiculous, sure it might seem to you that way vision of the US if you happen to be some hollywood producer with the casting couch, or some boomer that did not have to deal with internet, dating apps, rap music, hyper-narcissistic millenials/zoomers, etc.

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@perfection9669: do Russians take it well if you tell them you hate American capitalism, think Soviet Union was cool, want to do Soviet Union tourism. This is true for me, but also want to whore max with escorts and local women through dating apps or lucky cold approaches where choosing signals are clear. Some countries there seem more sexually liberated, also demographics there seems to be a larger supply of attractive women, also America creates incels with their strong culture of suburbs and car dependence, this can isolate people very easily

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@perfection9669: Japan sounds nice, I wouldn't mind fooking Japanese women, they are light skinned for being asians, some of their women can be hot or pretty for being asian, and appear to have a developed economy. Also, no brutal hyper-extraverted hyper-normie "jock and prom queen" culture like in America, seems like a place where its okay to be somewhat introverted or intellectual, which is labeled weird in america.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Ha! I don't consume real whore porn. I only enjoy waifus in various methods. Would you like to buy my old sex doll or pocket pussy that emulates what it's like to be with a real woman who is used goods? Thing is a woman would buy my used sex toys to smell them because men are the prize that should be the ones courted after.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: Oh so you play PoE the gatcha game where you have ot pay extra money to unlock simple features like storage space. How fun. A woman's game where the objective is to spend money to spend more money making CEOs rich. How exciting. A real man mods Diablo 2 with PlugY and plays offline so there's no ads. The D2 remaster is trash also so use the classic version.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: PlugY is freeware by the way. Unlike PoE2 core game features and silly shit like paid skins lol.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: Wait so you need other men to protect you as security? OK Hunter Biden. Honestly I enjoy BasedEscort and his humor. But you seem like a real bitch ass beta. A CEO or something? A corrupt Gov official? A real man doesn't need pussy or other men as guards. A spoiled communist does.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: Yeah my work. That's why I live a Holy life of minimalism. Like a monk/priest. I only work 15-20 hours a week and spend very little. I don't even own one of those girlphones with the delicate touchscreen. I save my money and will burn it before I die. You are the one giving free handouts to single moms and the State through prostitution.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Asian women being nice is just acting. It's that simple. They are better actors. Proof = anime voice acting and interviews.

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: You are all over the place. "Anglos, curries, and africoons are the biggest manginas out there." What? A man simping is not relevant to culture. It's in every culture except Islam. Some of which are Africoons I guess. I'm sure a few whites are in there as well after converting. Curries are like Lemmings reproducing more Lemmings to be Lemmings. NPCs.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: All real women have nothing to talk about. Conversation? You're hilarious. Selfish creatures can not have good conversation.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: Now you are talking woman and being smart? High IQ? Or do you mean they are NPCs connected to the "Smart" network like total idiots being spied on and spending all their money on shit tech?

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Toki 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Isolation is logical because other humans seek to exploit you for their own personal gain. In all the ways. The other decent humans are celibate men who choose to be above monkey instincts.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@Toki: Toki I meet too many men like you just disagreeable about everything probably envy. Enjoy your minimalism life in America with dolls. I will be "beta", not starting fights with random men and enjoy my life. You obviously havn't traveled much. I dont really care about your gaming opinions either.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Yeah i was only in Japan for 3 hours unfortunately. I think it's one of those places you got to chill around for awhile and learn the language to get a good experience. People were very quiet and I didnt feel any fake disrespect on my short time around the airport. I think it's like Russia though you wont get extra points without learning the language and culture. Alot of passport bros coming in from US , Euro, and Aussie wanting their Jap wife immediately.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100 the girls I met in Moscow and Petersburg were leftists so yeah I would say they supported socialism. Not communism. They had the same beliefs as leftists in the US and disliked Russia. Also one told me Id get arrested for taking pictures around Moscow at night. Just total bullshit blatant lies. I think mentality is different in far east and siberia. They are more industrial, less college brainwashed, probably has stronger fathers . More likely orthodox christain then an non believer.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: Men are supposed to disagreeable yes? It's about not being an idiot and a douchebag. Being above Sin and childish behavior. Staying out of prison because everything in the world is State Property including fefails. The entire world is burning and the only humans with any logical sense are celibate men exclusively. We need more of them. instead of cucks who are addicted to Pussycaine and being used by people. We also need less Hunter Bidens in the world that's why I asked if he's a CEO or something. Envy comes from them, not me. I'm not envious of being selfish and Evil. Men who admit paying fefails for sex are the Envious ones. CEOs are the Envious ones chasing wealth and status their entire lives instead of having any Good nature in their hearts. You're Envious of my disagreeable masculinity I guess?

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: Yeah they don't want you there. You are an intruding migrant unless you are JP-born. They actually care about their own. Bless them. They also create such amazing entertainment and waifus I have no reason to travel anywhere because the outside world is an inferior Police State of fascism. "Oi! You got a license to fly on that airplane?" But I'm the asshole remember that lol.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: Yeah Moscow women are real women therefore communists who want Daddy Police State. Yes you should not take pictures of random people to jerk off to later. Russian women are better than most in the world but they certainly are no Northern Parliment-level. You are in their country being a tourist. Nobody likes that. They will take your money then get the fuck out. Hilarious because everyone on this site bitches about immigrants but intruding into other countries is OK if you are already American or something. Permanently or temp vacation. They do not want you there. Stay home and game with waifus it's more fulfilling. No Police State in your mancave. No cunts either, just pleasant waifus.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: By the way I meant Russian women are better looking than most. Not fat, good genes. Blondes. Tall long legs. However all real women have awful personalities in real life. Certainly in today's smartphone world. You need to create a time travel machine and go way back to find submissive lovely women. Or die and go to isekai world with elf women and other demi-humans who are not terrible creatures called humans.

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perfection9669 2 months ago

@Toki: masculinity isnt about disagreeableness or violence those are just status raising tools. Kings don't waste energy on peasants. Only dominance matters at the end. The violent nigger in the streets ain't getting a quality Stacy compared to Hunter or beta Barron Trump. I agree humans are trash and smart phones fucked up woman.

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Toki 2 months ago

@perfection9669: Well really the street nigger gets Stacy's ass for free while cucks like Hunter and Trump have to pay for it. Same with these guys making excuses of why they need to pay women for sex. The worst part being she's a used coal miner. Masculinity is about being thyself instead of conforming. How about that instead? For example I disagree kings are the real waste of society and the peasant males are the adults who deserve respect in most cases. Assuming they are working peasants who contribute instead of steal like the king does. The king is a just a spoiled woman on welfare.

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@Toki: pussycaine, coin that one. Pussy + cocaine

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@Toki: working class or lower class white women are notorious for being r selection and living fast lives and dysgenic for these goyim or peasants high or above iq means it's over. Hitler viewed anglos as lesser ayrans, and Freud said white Americans are a sick race, excessive puritanism, anti-intellectualism, ultra conformity and mediocre culture. Right now white Americans are at the top because God blessed them with prosperity for helping the chosen jews, but i do not think female mate selection is eugenic, I can only imagine at least 25% go mudshark, 25% go with dysgenic ugly dumb violentwhite trash.

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@Toki: well, paying for sex sucks, at least give the goy woman some money or reward, if you are able to use her body sexually. The Romans created Europe and raped intermixed the native Europeans the germanics blondes there , the Spaniards and Portuguese rape intermixed with native Americans these were brown asians.... mgtows gotta can bring patriarchy=black-pillism=civilization and well go fuck hot bitches, be the Romans, just don't stink dick in currycels or certain types of whites I like more dark brown or black hair it's more dominant the David gandy phenotype is best, you see Chad's like Brad pitt or Chris Hemsworth looking more attractive with the golden skin tan dyed hair dark brown or black than more femine blonde and pale skin, JDBC , just don't be curry.

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dingoes 2 months ago

Sunflower oil is trash. Use extra olive virgin oil

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NeoGeoGamer 2 months ago

Don't deny service based on race or they will be able to sue you. Especially now that you said in on video...

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