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Why is fuel £100 a tank?

Published on 10 Jun 2022 / In Film & Animation

The free for all on fuel prices is ON! and it's not the garages or forcourt owners either? The government are systematically ripping all of us off, although Oil Prices have stayed stable in the UK for some time and continue to do so? You will see a lot of this kind of thing in coming times when the wasteful greedy government who squandered YOUR TAX money of a fake over throw attempt with a FAKE palandemic asre openly and blatantly ROBBING YOU, for their own agender's. Fortunately regarding fuel being £2.00 a Liter My small motorcycles NBoth of them do over 100MPG EACH. and I don't go far anyways. I hasve NO sympathgy for the "Chelsea Tractor" owners,. You pay's ya money you pay's the price, even when that money isn't youirs in the first place!

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