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Why Is It Always The Man's Job

Published on 30 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

Must deprogram them

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

Why women tend the house the tribe i am from was very well organized the women had power and when the English came to America they were the most organized tribe. That being said my grandfather always said you work a woman like a man they will break down different body structures. Tend to the house tend to the children today it is ass backwards. Look at that 1960s speech by ronald regan where he was friends with a judge who was in court over a womans divorce here the judge said this woman got the idea of divorce staying home and collecting child support from a friend who was a divorcee. Why men i worked with said you marry you keep them in their country or you keep them away from western women when here. Because they will change into what you hate why men i know retired over seas keep them at their home country most men have rights. Look at Israel and costa rica you marry you divorce look out.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

TThe laws are very unbalance and favour the femons

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mrghoster 2 years ago


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mrghoster 2 years ago

You telling me you still eat "MUCK Donalds"? You didn't get your Car towed again did you? lol! Most MUCH Donalds burgers look like and probably taste like a Dead Rat between to Tampons, if you want relish they provide USED Tampon's! lol! You see this type of thing all the time about the wheelchair thing, the same applies to couples that go shopping. the Guy pushes the heavy laden trolley cart and the femon just fills it with crap SHE wants, The Guy then bag's it all up at the till and then pusdhes or carry's it to the car to load it . Menwhile the femon goes to wait by the passenger door. Yep see shit like that all the time. as a MGTOE Red Pill MAN doing my own thing I have no need for a femon neither do I need the ability to help one of these lazy CUNT's, naturally I would help even a femon in a wheelchair or with a stick or something. But an able bodied femon can go fuck itself as most of them already do today anyway! I'm very surprised that the guy doing thye Wheelchair wasn't expected to open the passenger door for the lazy Femon as well?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

It is engrained in society that man acts like the femons slave, its not as if the femon can't do it she is dam lazy. I rarely have a Macs but it is close to me and quick and easy

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

That would be the A-team from the 80's. It was in the remake movie with Liam Nelson and that Hang Over comedy... Bradley something, Cooper? It's right on the tip of my tongue... Sundays man!?!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

The remake was terrible at least to me

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@SoloMan Zone: I liked the ending when the dude was like all I had to do was shoot you to make you normal! Plus, the chick Bradley Cooper was flirting with was hot, but she's a bitch in real life.

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hqwebsite 2 years ago

I had a wheelbound girlfriend once before she managed herself with a pair of crutches. While it can be tiring sometimes, it was her endless nagging and complaints that broke us. Never again.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 years ago

Unfortunately they are born naggers

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