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Why is Modern Music so Awful-

Published on 02 Jul 2021 / In Film & Animation

As a Muso I can actually relate strongly to this. Again it's the Corporate and money that has killed music? don't get me wrong not all music is bad, but I refer souly or lack of Soul to the factory garbage shit out for profit, that 3 noter loop thing that makes everytrhing in the charts sound the fucking same, including the tempo? I'm NOT talking 3 Chord bashes here, this is Notes only. I have to admit I think the Hip Hop Drumming has made a great contribution to popular (Melodv) music. Sadly Music has become a dystopian Durge for the masses to deal with? Real music still exist's but you rarely will find it in the mainstream?

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anonmachina 4 years ago

I like the STONES....Fred and Barney, otherwise, I prefer AEROSMITH...better yet, DEF LEPPARD.

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

Love all the early Aerosmith, Night in the Ruts was the last one I bought though. Haven't heard much of anything else, aside from occasional radio cuts from the newer (Pump and beyond), more commercial material. I'll give them credit for pulling their asses out of the fire, but they lose marks for starting that fire. Have you listened to Joe and Alice's new band? Hollywood Vampires.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

I like to watch these the YT vid's on the latest gear. A lot of it although clever, they are really nothing more than over priced TOY's. I mean knowing music and it's construction I could probably work wonders with the noisy little toy. But it has become so close to appoint where even a MORON can produce a tune with out knowing a note, maybe other than the Tri-notes that any monkey can bash our like the ones on those typewriter's writing Shakespeare if they have the time? I you know what I mean? By the way don't confuse the Tri-note with 3 Chord bashes as Chords general a five note configeration around a PPentatonic scale at ti's basic's Penta - meaning 5 in Greek I think it was? and Tonic for NOTE as in TONE. So they would have to learn five notes first to make a basic chord plus a whole song with melody can be constructed out of the Pentatonic Scale.

I used to teach guitar and Keyboards for a few bucks in the evening, but kid's don't want to know now, they don't want to put the work in to be a musician, they just like on their smartphones, push a buttom that does it all and claim they have talent Huh! NOT! an example of a piece that can be played melodically between middle "C" and "A" is twinkle twinkle little star by Mozart!

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anonmachina 4 years ago

If ever I should venture to create anything musical, rap and a beat would be my pick, not for the lack of interest, but I am no singer, plus, I though I may desire such, I cannot split into two to divy my time between engineering and creating songs. Perhaps, just perhaps, that would make me a .....MOR... Ugh, the words refuse to leave my lips, even if I gest. LOL.

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Mustang 4 years ago

I no longer listen to todays Pop Music because it all sounds the same and has no soul plus most of the Artists, Producers, and Music Corporatist's hate my Christian Faith and Conservative Political Beliefs. Christian Music is no different. I recently tried to get a Modern Worship Music Playlist established on Spotify and got really frustrated. 95% of the songs sounded the same, had no soul or passion, and did not put me in a Worship mood. Really sad.
Because todays Pop Music is so horrible I have been getting into other forms of music listed below :
Euro Dance
Pop Punk
Romantic Piano

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mrghoster 4 years ago

It's thgat Trinote thing that kills music by degrading it to the basic Nursery Rhyme thing, and as weknow These all sound the same as well? With attention spans of the youth so used to getting a quick fix then make everything the same and they get a short buzz and go buy the crap. result lot's of Money for the Corporates. i think the last of what we would recognise as musi=c stopped about 15/20 yewars ago, although there are still amazing musicians out there they don't get a chance to thrive in the lame stream anyways?

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anonmachina 4 years ago

BLUES. BLUES is 'where it's at—the BLUES is time-agnostic, thus, something you may consider. (I have been writing rap for the past 72-hours, and it appears everything I write simply becomes another junction, for me to go on another tangent. Odd, since I am not a musician or 'rapper', engineering and design...my forte. (Okay. I'll stop with the 'cornbread').

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

@anonmachina: This is the direction I've been heading, musically, exploring the worlds of Blues & Jazz (other than Fusion), as well as revisiting older bands that got left by the wayside, while I pursued others.

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

I'm 1:51 in and now he's talking about science too. I really should start watching these before I comment.

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SOLID_MGTOW_MONK 4 years ago

I saw this same documentary some time ago and it's the primary reason I don't listen to modern stuff. Something he didn't touch on I think we both agree on is that today's stuff has no real meaning to it, the passion and creativity are gone. It was decided somewhere by whoever that making money was the goal not making music. All that along with push button musician's alike have destroyed the art of music removed any passion there was and music has been demoralized too. It's not about what comes from the heart anymore it's based on what's between the legs things like that. Also the music genre is out of bounds all over the place too. For example take what is suppose to be country music, they started trying to compete with rap and hardcore rock. I could go on and on with it, but to sum it up, I don't listen to modern music anymore just like I seldom ever watch anything on TV anymore unless it's something classic.

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

You're pretty bang on there. The music 'industry' has become The Industry with a bit of music in it. The melding and cross genre stuff, which can sometimes really work, usually doesn't, except for a certain group of music fans. I find that most Pop fans seem more concerned that they're listening to 'the right' pop songs, otherwise their 'coolness' evaporates. There are still some new bands that play old school substance and style, but you have to wade through hours of crap to find it. Female spending power has run music through a torture chamber of horrors, as the greedy ones are constantly trying to appease the unappeasable. Music started reflecting the listener: stupid and slutty. Science in the hands of greedy turds, has destroyed what was left. Something I refer to as: When Science Attacks... The science was pushed, albeit unknowingly, by female spending. It probably would've happened eventually though. The Science: human brain chemicals respond to frequency (All brains, really, but the humans have money, so we'll focus on them), music is frequency, brain chemicals react to the ones that you like (radio goes up) or don't like (radio goes off). They figured out which frequencies, in which patterns, make the radios go up. Now they only make that music, creativity is tossed aside. Big labels throw some tits in a flash video, the money begs you to take it home. Little independent labels still do things the old fashioned way and seem to be interested in preserving talent, but we'll see. People really like money.

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mrghoster 4 years ago

One of the biggest killers even of classic songs and music is this messing with the sound level's, that is what kill's the song, the leveling of the audio kills the emotion or feel of the song?

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@Drums McBashington: Dude. I do not know if you are awate, but, beginning with, 'The mudic 'indusyry'..., your comment is the beginning of an enticing critique in the for of hip hop (just removing an end of sentence word or two). Brilliant writing. You should study it further.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@Drums McBashington: (an edit; apply a beat in the likes of Wu-Tang, and you are golden)..

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@Drums McBashington: (see above [posting your prose in a sub-comment would have desyroyed all of the sentence spacing/structure)

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@mrghoster: Hmm...interesting......I can see your words can also be composed to a hip hop/rap. I am definitely on that 'wave'.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@mrghoster: I tecall a documentary from years ago—how the 'competition' for producing the loudest songs was killing the dynamics throughout the spectrum (via increased compression). The damage they caused in the industry—and the respective recordings—was appalling. (I worked as an acoustic engineer for some time in my youth).

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@mrghoster: Please pardon my typos. I am excellent typist...on an actual keyboard. I abhor typing on phones. But, so it goes.

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anonmachina 4 years ago

@Drums McBashington: Please pardon my typos.

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Drums_McBashington 4 years ago

@anonmachina: Thanks. I've dabbled in lyrics from time to time. Just for shits and giggles though, never been in a band that was serious enough to write original material, and my life hasn't been stable enough to seek one out.

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