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Why Is Tobey Maguire Crying? Because He Got A Divorce! - MGTOW

Published on 16 Feb 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ron and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I wanted to get your take on a recent movie I watched called "Pawn Sacrifice", starring our Neighborhood Web-Slinger "Tobey Maguire". I have to be honest Sandman, when I heard your voice for the first time..I didn't think you sounded like AI or anything like that, it was the voice of Tobey Maguire. For about a month after listening to your Videos, the image eventually faded and Uncle Sams face just stuck from then on.. Anyways, as I mentioned to you in earlier requests, I've been streaming movies a lot during the 'KOOF". I remembered hearing about Bobby Fischer as a youth but never knew the whole back story..etc..It was amazing to watch the film thru a CRIMSON LENS. I also couldn't help but think of SANDMAN thwarting off and strategically out-manuvuring the GYNOCENTRIC OVER-LOARDS at every corner of the Earths chess-board. I recently read the Web-slinger just filed for Divorce from his Chess-mate of 4 years. SandMan could you Molecularly break down this film as to how it could relate to Chess and MGTOW STRATEGIES. Hopefully Maguires"Spidey Sense" could have set the alarms off before his divorce. Thank you for all you brother..God Speed to your future endeavors Sir.!!!!! CHECK MATE the Masses OG Sandman Styles.!!" Well Ron thanks of the donation and topic. When you said that I sounded like Tobey Mcguire in my videos hopefully I didn't sound like him sobbing shortly after being served with his divorce papers. I'll discuss Pawn Sacrifice the film where he plays Bobby Fischer first and then I'll discuss his divorce in the second part of the video. But first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. I had never heard of the film Pawn Sacrifice until you sent me this request Ron. The Queens Gambit is super popular right now but no one seems to have cared about this film. The budget was 19 million dollars and it only made back 5.6 million dollars. Since then he was in the Great Gatsby in 2013 and then did Pawn Sacrifice in 2015 but since that time he hasn't been in a single film. Maybe his wife left him because of the fact that his career has dried up. Even thought his wife Jennifer can help him find work he hasn't gotten any. Maybe he's been blacklisted in 2016 when he first broke up with his wife. I'll get into more about that later. As for Pawn Sacrifice it follows the life of Bobby Fischer the real boy wonder in chess. Right off the bat I felt the reason this film failed and why the Queens Gambit worked was because the actors aren't very believable or good and The female character in Queens Gambit is pretty much a knock off of Bobby Fischer. The first and best red pill moment is near the beginning when Bobby questions his single divorced mother as to where his father is.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

if she hands it out to anyone...... you dont want it, if she makes you wait, you will never get it .... .ROI = zero.

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hqwebsite 4 years ago

Toby will be fine if he always have Leo to learn from. He will be fine.

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zdoctor 4 years ago

im so glad i found mgtow years ago. makes you re evaluate life and realize you should be coming 1st in the first place. just walk off the stage......its not worth being captain save a ho

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

you cant save them all........all females have this deceptive, me first, i dont care about you software...... without restrictions and constraints , females DESTROY everything they touch. Until a new landlord takes over.......MEN are destined to go their own way.

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Zalix512 4 years ago

the old Buck Fifty.

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