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Why JBW Is For Losers


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Published on 08 Dec 2021 / In People & Blogs


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Emre 3 years ago  

My ex moroccan wife take her hijab off and rides now the cock carousel after I brought her to germany. She flirted with another guys in front of me, lied to and about me and so on. Because of that I divorced her. She searched a way to ride the cc

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 3 years ago

Perfect example of what I'm telling you guys in all my videos about hojabis. For some reason it is true the most with Moroccan women as they tend to have a free spirit to them.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 3 years ago

Sorry that happened. This would have been certainly my fate too. Some guys would call us bitter. Nah, we were cheated under false pretense using religion.

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Emre 3 years ago

@Alpha Male Lifestyle: thanks bro. They arent real muslims, they are munafiqun. They use religion for their own advantages and almost muslim men are beta simp cucks.

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rayman 3 years ago

@Emre: i feel for you, some of my old buddy have also fallen for it.

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Emre 3 years ago

@rayman: thanks bro

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3 years ago

@Alpha Male Lifestyle: morrocan women slutty

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whatever1 3 years ago

Complexion goes with the looks, women don't get that. Glad Amir pointed this out.

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Hexeze 3 years ago

White women get tans plastic surgery and even try braids etc. All white women wish they were black and same goes for white boy. Black people are the top of the food chain. Just admit your a dense jealous racist sand nigger 40 year old virgin. We are seen as inferior due to envy. People love to hate what's grear

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Emre 3 years ago

Watch this about increasing women in polyamory relationships https://youtu.be/P7j-Q9zxr-8

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

I watched that better bachelor clip. Disgusting. No standards for women. Weak ass men. I wouldn't even sleep with a woman if I knew she was married, its morally wrong.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

there are very few white women in the entire world in the fertile age range that are willing to have a kid and be a proper mother and/or wife. What good is a woman for marriage if she is too old to have kids? you can't safely have kids with a woman in the west that has lost the ability to pair bond, they will almost always cheat on you or try to divorce you when the going gets tough. White women are a small minority in the world, ones in the fertile age range are an even smaller group, and yet even smaller are ones that are feminine marriage material types that don't want to waste their twenties doing drugs and being on tiktok and then be confused why they are infertile already in their late twenties and have lost the ability to pair bond. I would estimate that there may be perhaps only 150 million white women in the entire world that are fertile and marriage material. good luck getting one of those. A lot of this theory about game, relationship issues, etc can be explained by a simple supply/demand demographic issue. There is a severe surplus of men and a shortage of women in the world. 3 decades of men chase after one decade of women. The reason why gen-z people are so screwed up in the west is from coming from broken homes and they have messed up genetics from being born to a woman who was pushing 40. These people seem too screwed up and weak to have children, they are barely functional people. I guess what I'm getting at is that I still don't see a solution to finding a long term relationship where healthy children can be raised to be normal people. Eastern Europe has a male surplus in the younger age brackets, and many of the women try to get out of there when they get a chance so I don't think this is an ideal environment to have a proper family either, especially if you are unfamiliar with the country. I challenge people to go out and look at things a different way: go try to find an area where you see a lot of actual real life babies being pushed around in strollers by a woman that appears feminine and sane. It is becoming a rare sight in most major western cities in the world today, but if you happen to find an area like this, it may be a place where you could find a viable woman to form a normal family with as well.

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Hexeze 3 years ago

So true bro. All woman are the same a white woman are just childlike and less vindictive

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Hexeze: I actually think a lot of westernized white women are the worst behaved and most masculine out of all the phenotypes. Its like they got the full dose of radiation from the propaganda and the dose was lesser for other female phenotypes. They get away with murder because they have an army of surplus simps chasing them across the globe

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Hexeze 3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: white women are just really good actors. They are as soft as they come

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

@Hexeze: well remember they led the charge for feminism, they empower homos, and they outvote men consistently. They have to be accountable in a large way for the state of affairs we are in. 100 years after suffrage the system is about to break

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IncelTV 3 years ago

A lotta truth in this video, I've warned incels about this multiple times. When you are in those countries, you have the JBW. But once she makes it to the west, she has the JBW (just be woman)

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