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Redpill asylum vol 1 - TheRedKnight

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Why Men Are Alone, the ugly truth women don't want to hear...

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Published on 29 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Why? Add to the discussion? Women don't care and ignore us men. Women don't hear us.

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Alpha070 3 months ago

Iam done Watching in the first Minutes,He starts with an Apology to WOmen You Nordic CUCK you,i cant take one Serious from that Background

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Toki 3 months ago

I'm way more happy alone. Trying to deal with women made me so depressed. They just want to use me for sex because I'm fit and Chad. However I'm also unacceptably short so they don't want anyone to know that I'm their boyfriend or anything. I was just a mini-Chad shotaman sex toy until I choose celibacy to stop the suffering. I already got laid so much it's even special or anything. Taking care of business oneself is nearly the same and it's just annoying similar having to urinate/defecate. The human sex drive is a curse. Considering how corrupt today's world is I would assume any God would want us to stop breeding. There's no purpose for children in a world of taxes and the male Draft. Or you have a daughter who's completely useless.
People are saying Trump will save us and bring back populism. But why? It doesn't matter if it's him or another corrupt elite I don't want to produce slaves for any of them. Same with investors, CEOs, managers, welfare sponges, etc. Humans are just using each other for personal gain it's disgusting. Even Bjorn here suggest you should give him money to make social media videos. Gissa job. Work like a man. Expecting money for social media is female behavior.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

"Strong, Independent" Waaahmen:
"OH! Who hurt you?!? REEEEEE!"

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"A Man's Perspective?"

"Oh noes he is going to give us a mans perspective - because he is a man......"

"He can't say or do that."

"He must only say Feminist Friendly things, using Feminist Friendly words."

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ---------- "Head Explodes".

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