Why Men Don't Approach Modern Women Anymore
Published on 07 Jan 2024 / In
Film & Animation
Here's a few Truth Bomb's being lobbed at the enemy "Women". with all this happening and MEN becoming happier by the day, women are still fcuking Stupid, arrogant, ignorant and disgusting! lol!
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Stay Single Gents, the juice isn't worth the squeeze!!!
Monk Mode Lifestyle Forever!!!
They wanted this: Fuck them. Asking them their name is sexual harassment: Sleeping with them is rape. Okay, Slay queen.... Unfortunately, they did! We left the unprotected with women: children and dogs.
They are impossibly idiotic....
Small Talk, Weather Subjects = Sexual Harassment.
Fuck them.
Getting murdered down a dark alley.
Not my problem.
"I see nothing. I hear nothing. I know nothing."
Keep walking right on past.
The rocket analogy is good. Rockets are extremely inefficient. They have to carry oxidizer and fuel.