Good shit vids - Francis_UD

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Why Men Must Support Feminism

Alpha Male Lifestyle
Published on 04 Dec 2021 / In People & Blogs


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Francis_UD 3 years ago

Reverse psychology! Great technique man!

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Francis_UD 3 years ago

12:22 um well a woman killing me with euthanasia would do me a massive favour so I can stop suffering on the planet. Kudos to that (#^.^#)

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libertyanyday 3 years ago

BEING a stay at home wife ............... sounds pretty dam good.

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I tried it because of equality and the women didn't like me staying home, wearing their dresses and going out shopping in my long blonde wig....

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RodrickSage 3 years ago

wait, wait , wait, you got a new employee, and they just left her alone? WHAT THEY HELL DID THEY EXPECTED?!

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

I've been seeing a lot of women working more and more menial dead end jobs. I take pleasure seeing them bust their asses and having to see through the eyes of an average man for a change. Its sad seeing them try to take it in stride and being so stupid they are unaware of how badly they suck at their job. I've seen women working in automotive shops, amazon delivery drivers, mcdonalds, dollar store, etc. These women look downtrodden and broken. They know the jig is up now, they are actually going to have to pay taxes to fund their own welfare now that men are dropping out and its going to suck harder than a Beijing hooker fefails. I know it is not good for me to gain satisfaction this way, from seeing people suffer, but these feminists are ruining society and they have failed their duty to raise children into functional healthy adults. get to work whores. It must be sad knowing this is the end game, you being a slave working a dead end job for the rest of your days instead of being a mother and wife. Soon the feminists will actually begin to support legalizing prostitution in the US realizing its easier, then that is the bellwether we are approaching end game dynamics of this current degenerate social order.

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