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Why Modern Movies Suck - They Hate Men

Published on 04 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation

The derision and abandonment ofrom the movie's of the dtrong MALE hero has been drip feeding impossibly implausable fefail Delusion's of the Super hgero . Women can only deride and put MEN down even in the movies to actually DELUDE themselves and an Audience thay are not buying into the bullshit that women are better than MEN. The Fefail charactorization's of once MALE characters in the continuous Over priced and damned stupid reboot's is a perfect example of how Gynocentrism is and probably already has destroyed Hollywood Land, the land of broken poor script's and budget's! lol! They can hate on MEN all they like, but many of Us are already Far removed from the bullshit for it to even effect us. They don't want MEN? well so be it, but don't expect REAL MEN to fill the void that woke movies and advertising is creating, We are already gone out of harms way and the lack or poor image of MEN in the movies is simply destroying the buiness from within!

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mrghoster 8 months ago

Women don't do "BALANCE" or Equality, unless it is aimed at THEM being more Equal than other's namely MEN. Women haven't risen to the task of Equality, they have simple lowered or TRIED to lower MEN to either their own fefail failings or even below to big their Gynocentric Psychopathy UP to delude even themselves. I can speak for ALL MEN but far from destroy my Masculinity, all of this SHITE today is making more of a MAN than I could ever have dreamed of! lol! The secret appears to be removing the deleted "feminine" from everything as women have done. Remove that and Masculinity is still very much alive just without interfering women and their sudo Male traits that only turn on the Lesbians juices! lol! FUCK! I have my own money, time, peace of mind, two motorcycles a nice home that I do the housework and cook in, because that is the only feminine traits I need to survive. I know where my stuff is because "I" put it in the cupboard not some brainless tart thinking it was doing me a favor! lol! Yep! life as a MAN is pretty damned cool regardless of what media am
nd movies try to pass off! My final opinion is this - I wouldn't wqaste MY piss on a women if it was on fire!

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mrghoster 8 months ago

The thing is with all this, is that WOMEN are WEAK and DELUSIONAL and the only way they can fly in their deluded minds, above MEN is to lower us to their level. In fact the MEN in recent movies are basically mentally women! lol! you see women just don't understand MEN where as MEN fully understand and avoid women. my day's of sucking up or doing ANYTHING a women demands are long gone, replaced by the MEME - "FUCK OFF" as I reach for the Fly spray! The Strong Silent MAN apparently intrigue's women still, yet they will add their own PROJECTION to the modern MAN because in "Womena Speak" being silent is no more than "SULKING", if your a women that is. I have a simple rule in life, Eye's and Mind Open, Mouth shut. Be invisible as best you can in a broken world where information is king don't let others find you out.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

I kind of liked that Daniel Craig Bond pretending to be dead... like I said who should care about this society?

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Well, in our man hating society, what man wants to live here?

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Yeah, women hate the long silences: It makes them think about their shortfalls. .and their depencies on men...

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