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Why People Back Away From The Church.

Published on 31 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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KEEPER 5 months ago

i can't say church didn't do anything for me, but there were a lot of fake people for sure, however there were also people trying to become better people as well.

now i didn't go to a church that had pastors, i was Mormon, it's a little diffrent in the Mormon church, still kind of the same but not exactly, the Mormons don't believe in having a payed ministry, everyone is there volunteering but called upon by the people who pass down those callings, and that's taken straight from the Bible as something Jesus didn't want in his church, they still do the donation thing, but it's never forced on people, they use the example of what the scriptures say once again, the bible suggests 10%, but again it's never forced, and they also don't use it to guilt trip members, however it's explained in the bible that you will receive blessings if you pay, some people claim it helps them, i have no clue because i never payed into it, but i have learned about where all that money goes, some of it goes to the church properties to the temples building or maintaining outside of cleaning services as that's another member thing that is a calling.

now i can't tell everything about the church, but some of that money is sent to help people, they do this thing called, actually i forgot what it's called, but they pretty much help needy families get food medicine clothing, the basic needs to help people get by when they fall on hard times, they also have a feeding the homeless kind of program, that runs at least for most of my life, i'm near 40 now, so it's been going on for a long time, but my point is, it's not that it doesn't help people, they do help people all the time.

anyway, i left for other reasons, i left because they kept siding with politics of whoever was president, and i didn't like that, i also didn't like that they kept trying to get men to get married knowing the issues of this day and age, they are unwilling to view or look at this content or even consider that they are wrong when i have seen countless men get married only to be divorced and thrown into homelessness and shooting themselves because they became worthless, and the church ignored these men and shamed them for not remarrying and any man who still refuses to.

not everything the church did was evil in my opinion, but some things i find a sin in how it was run when they aren't willing to look at what young men face every day in this day and age.

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KEEPER 5 months ago

well shit, someone found out how to market your videos lol, like so many of them are on the front page.

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TheRedKnight 5 months ago

im boosting these vids personally :) its me whos putting them on the front page XD

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KEEPER 5 months ago

@TheRedKnight: that's cool man, it's what it's there for.

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sardonicsmile 5 months ago

Religion is a child's toy. The only "sin" is ignorance.

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myopinion 5 months ago

red pilled at age 7. ......... Which is amazing :) ........ Love to see it.... hope he keeps spreading the good news.

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NeoGeoGamer 5 months ago

The worst thing about church is that it drags Jesus's good name through the mud. The church is based entirely on Paul's teachings, and in direct opposition to much of what Jesus actually taught. This is why it's full of vile people, liars, backstabbers, and usually the worst person of all, the pastor. It was founded by a vile person (Paul) to cater to vile people.

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