redpills pt 13 - TheRedKnight

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Why People Hate MGTOW!

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Published on 20 Sep 2023 / In People & Blogs

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Ah, I remember ole Happy Humble Hermit... he was busy with his Mouse Utopia video game... I wonder if it ever finished? I almost bought it on Steam.

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Calling All Stations

Been a while since I've heard some Triple H. Years ago I was hired by a guy who was MGTOW way before it was a thing. I had valuable skills he needed to get a specific job done. He must have seen I had a similar outlook to his on life so he confided a lot of inside company info to me as well as his own thoughts. Once he told me that it was exceptional that he ever hired me for a critical role as I was a single guy. He explained that married men and especially ones with families were easy to bully and order around. The wrath to come at home after losing a job was far worse than facing his. I, on the other hand, did not have to tolerate such treatment and could tell him to go to hell anytime I pleased. As the years have passed I realized this is pretty much standard procedure especially in corporations. The blue-pillers almost look pathetic to me in their misery now.

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