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Why the Challenger 2 Tank is So Hard for Russia to Destroy - Daily Fail Jew Propaganda

Published on 19 Jan 2025 / In Film & Animation

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usr6874038614 10 days ago

I admire the dedication of the military personnel, but the biggest peave I have with the army is that you have to blindly follow orders from the pedos at the top. You are not risking your life to better the world, you are doing it to make some cunts even richer/powerful than they already are. Totally not worth it in my view.

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Have you seen this? Episode 46. Grenade launchers. Combat vampires In a tank - your pretty fucked.

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sbseed 27 days ago

sadly the tanks have been used to kill civilians...

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sbseed 27 days ago

yea brilliant, but the extra fuel on the back of the engine... lol the stupid is real...
what a bunch of horseshit... the lies make this pretty funny.

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Diesel is actualy VERY VERY hard to ignite..... I used to run big oil fuelled heat treatment furnaces, and I used to design furnaces and the fuel injection / burners for them........ Diesel is VERY hard to ignite - In lieu of petrol, kerosene, alcohol, flammable gasses and turpentine etc., aside from tar or residual / bunker fuel oils - it's about as safe as you will ever get.... Have never used the emulsion fuels that are 30% water mixed with naptha etc....

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Councilof1 1 month ago

Uh I've seen so many Challenger II, Leopards and Abrams getting smoked in Ukraine. Bitchute is littered with videos of Western tanks getting destroyed. Western tanks only seem good for killing cavemen in sandals wielding AK-47 rifles.

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Yeah.... And the obedient fucks from both sides, go to die for the JEWS..... What? A million dead so far? The people of these countries should just round up all the JEWS and kill them.

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To put a bit of stupid humor on this, "I have seen one tank get destroyed 227 times. Therefore 227 tanks have been hit." "They never say a crew of 3 or 4 or 5 people died when the tank they were in, got hit by a mine / drone / artillery / missile" etc. What about THE PEOPLE? Have you seen this? Episode 46. Grenade launchers. Combat vampires In a tank - your pretty fucked.

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