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why u cant be friends with woman

127 subscribers
Published on 25 Sep 2021 / In Entertainment

why u cant be friends with woman

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AtillaTheHung 3 years ago

Women are incapable of being a friend to a man because they're parasitic by their very nature. Women look at men as utilities while we're supposed to consider them human beings with a wide range of feelings and emotions.

No thanks.

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Limitless1 3 years ago

I can't be friend with a woman .
Because women don't respect the rules and they always try to break the rules bend the rules fuck the rules .
Because I don't trust women .I never will ...

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SOLID_MGTOW_MONK 3 years ago

I've been a MGTOW Monk for over 35 years, haven't touched a woman. I don't follow the MGTOW as a philosophy, I'm a man going God's way, the only way.

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BIGLOAD 3 years ago

Speaking oN BITCHES.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

To be friend with anyone not just women, you first have to have stuff in common, then their has to be a balance of conversation and understanding between the two parties? As we know women want it all , you are a resource and never will or can be a friend in the term's that a MALE mind see's as friendship. feminism and modern infected Gynocentric women only do Equality if they can and often are MORE EQUAL. They do this because deep in their NATURE the fefail KNOW's she is INFERIOR to the Male of the Human Species. Women cannot even be friends with other women, they will back stab and deceive oven their own so called best friends to get what they want, usually the other CUNT's MAN! lol! Women should NEVER be trusted Especially by MEN. And finally don't confuse being in her Friends Zone with being a friend to her, you are merely a Utility if you follow that path, plus you won't ever get any pussy if you are that desperate by being in the Friends Zone.

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TelepathicRapist 3 years ago

AMEN. Colltaine had a great video about this a while back MGTOW live is picking up on it too. Women in the west have captured the body politic and they have used it to make men pay for them in a collective sense, therefore, we are obsolete on an individual basis and the power dynamic is unbalanced. Feminism strangely has warped women to forget their feminine traits, they have little to offer outside of sex, they even have trouble keeping female friends, as you say it is difficult to have anything in common with them. I am actually beginning to question if most women are even fully sentient because a lot of them are like the literal embodiment of an NPC.

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