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Why UFOs are Suddenly EVERYWHERE

37 Просмотры
Опубликован в 18 Feb 2023 / В Наука и технология

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The Pentagon is studying UFOs and I wanted to understand why. What I learned convinced me that we can learn a lot from studying these things.

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Johnny Harris is an Emmy-winning journalist. He currently is based in Washington, DC, reporting on interesting trends and stories domestically and around the globe. Johnny's visual style blends motion graphics with cinematic videography to create content that explains complex issues in relatable ways.

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KEEPER 2 лет тому назад  

You think perhaps he was trying to tell us something by using frequency generation.
He was able to extract electricity from Air, but the frequency generating technology didn't come until much later.

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KEEPER 2 лет тому назад

I actually disagree with some of what this guy has to say, because it sounds like he's agreeing with a lot of propaganda, or the cover up, it's like a cover-up of a cover-up if that makes any sense.

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sauger1001 2 лет тому назад

I smell a "Top Gun, Part 3" on the horizon. Of course they'll go off the reservation with the plot. SMH.

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sauger1001 2 лет тому назад

Yeah. He got us with the intro, then after drawing me in, he does a "bait n' switch". I figure, 'okay'. Guess I'll go back to something more intriguing. No need to watch the rest of this. Lol.

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KEEPER 2 лет тому назад

@sauger1001: question, do you think I've gone completely off the rails nuts because I believe in this shit? I believe it's related to frequency generation, which is a real thing, it would explain why these crafts are completely silent and they can outmaneuver any other craft, now I don't know if when the government took Nikolai Tesla and had him built one of these things or if he learned it from somewhere else, I don't know if it's aliens or whatever, but I believe he cracked the code, but how he cracked the code, according to his journals, a lot of these ideas came to him in a dream, maybe it's possible they didn't come to him in a dream but he used that because people would believe a dream over him possibly running into one of these crafts one day and studying it before the government found out about this stuff, anyway I don't know LOL I just love talking about this stuff, and I try to figure out what could possibly make it work, and something that already exists in technology that we have today, could just be frequency generation, I mean think about it let's just say your craft can be whatever shape, it doesn't even have to be disc shaped, if you have enough of these frequency emitting Technologies in all directions of whatever crafted it might be, so long as they have enough power to run these things, but you could quite literally do these crazy Arrow breaking Maneuvers that make no sense when it comes to regular propulsion, especially for the fact when they track these things they're not throwing out any kind of thermal heat that can be picked up on sensors, this is why I keep leading back to vibration and frequency, but what are they using the power these things? Well I have a theory that Nikolai Tesla knew, and part of that Tech is something that he created himself when he created the Tesla coil that could extract electricity from the air, I know scientist, I'm just someone who has a vested interest in this stuff, and I'm just trying to think of what we possibly have currently in our level of Technology, and trying to apply that to something like this, and make sense of it all. I mean when they first found that crashed UFO in 1947, of course the agencies of the government said that it was a air like a weather balloon or whatever, but let's go back to the alien UFO disc shaped object, and apply just what I just said, about the possibility that these crafts have the capability to extract electricity from the air, and that is what powers their device but then they have frequency admitting generators in all directions within the craft maneuvering it in any which direction silent to the naked ear and no propulsion heat coming off the craft, so to me it makes sense, now there are other things these crafts are able to do, that I can explain, but I think we have the technology to make anything fly, we just have to figure out the logistics in order to create something like that.

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KEEPER 2 лет тому назад

@sauger1001: yeah I hate that he does the bait and switch bit, but he does go back to talking about how he originally started the video. I hate it when people do the bait and switch in the middle of their video, I'll be honest with you I didn't wash this fully through before moving it over I moved it over as I was watching it, LOL but anyway I just

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KEEPER 2 лет тому назад

Love talking about this stuff, it might come up in a podcast I'm going to be a part of soon.

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KEEPER 2 лет тому назад

Angry vegan cyclist here on this website, I'm going to be on a live stream with him tonight, I don't know if we're going to bring up this topic at all, I have no idea what he has in mind, but I'm going to be there LOL and I might derail the comment and the other dude my derailed the comment, but who knows what the fuck the conversation is going to be lol. I even warned AVC that I might derail shit, after all I have a lot of Random Access Memory and it gets triggered by little things people say, I might just be crazy.

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sauger1001 2 лет тому назад

@KEEPER: My late father and I used to share dreams we had decades ago, and though I don't have a degree, I do have a mechanical mind. We liked figuring how certain things worked, how people think, etc. So no, I don't think it's nutty, except to maybe my mother. Just ask the Creator, since He's the One who gives us our gifts. Some will think this crazy (believe what you want), but the Word says we'll one day become spirit. At that point, nothing will restrict us; not time, space, nor the physical laws that restrict us now. I say let your thought run wild, then ask the Creator (not telling what to believe; that's up to you) to help you figure it out.

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