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Why Was the German 88mm Flak the BEST Gun Throughout WW2?

Published on 17 Jun 2023 / In Film & Animation

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The German 88 mm gun, one of the most iconic artillery pieces of WWII, had a well-deserved reputation for deadly accuracy and destructive power.

The versatile 88 mm cannon, also known as the flugabwehrkanone meaning "aircraft defense cannon", was Germany's main heavy anti-aircraft gun and was soon shortened to "flak."

The history of the German 88mm gun can be traced back to late 1916 when the German Army initially modified the established German naval armament for ground operations in World War One.

German weapons manufacturers Krupp AG and Rheinmetall had machinery for making both the barrels and the ammunition.

Since Germany was forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles from producing large caliber weapons the FLAK anti-aircraft guns were actually developed by Krupp and subsequently built in partnership with Bofors of Sweden.

The cannons were especially notable for their fast rate of fire with the FLAK 18 automatically ejecting expended cartridge cases and cocking the firing mechanism.

It immediately proved to be the best anti-aircraft weapon available at the time.

The flak detachment with 88s proved accurate and flexible in combat against mostly land targets, owing to its high muzzle velocity and large caliber which made it a superb long-range anti-vehicle and anti-bunker weapon.

#flak88 #88mmGun #factbytes

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