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Why we need to bring back monarchy

Published on 02 Apr 2024 / In News & Politics

This was supposed to be an April Fools joke, but the stupid upload time ruined that lol

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Weeklychemistry 11 months ago

Go ahead and kneel to a king if you wish. I choose Anarchy, I'll tolerate you and I suggest you and your King the same.

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WMHarrison94 11 months ago

And of course if there's a monarchy or dictatorship, you are then by definition a slave unless you are the nobility or family of the monarch... NO THANKS. I studied much history and much art. They never work out. All empires or countries fall. Our British or American model worked because it took the best three governments and combined them together with checks and balances: If we add the whole system being based on meritocracy, then it would work as long as a criminals die. For the people, the dumb asses and sheeple the House of Commons or Representatives so their grievances can be heard and elected every two years to be relevant... plus force a two year budget on them: They waste so much time arguing over money so they don't have to do anything. The House of Lord or Senate, ie old ass fucks, was the aristocracy-- the nobility class for longer duration providing wisdom and stability untilthey took out merit... and the Monarchy or Dictator, ie Executive Branch headed by President or Prime Minister to act quickly for disasters and well war or attacks. The old fucks argue endlessly and well people die while they bitter like old fucks do. Force merit upon them and it will work especially when traitors actually die. The French had seven year Prime Ministers... the American four year is okay but I think five should be used to off set elections so you are not voting on all of them same year and maybe return the Senators to governor appointed. Tired of all these buying of politicians. Maybe add in a Tribune or two to represent the Judicial Branch ie our Supreme Court, to proactively ensure judicial compliance... Two preferred.. just like Rome who invented the Res Publica-- this "thing of the public" as they overthrew their tyrants, ie monarchy. Monarchs are selfish and always will be or become. and finally execute politicians who take bribes and the people bribing them even if it's just sex...

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WMHarrison94 11 months ago

No. We need colonial America preCivil War "Christian" Republic with land owners or "net tax payers" voting for Congress and men who signed up for selective service (draft) and military servicemen and veterans vote for President or Executive Branch with a judicial Judicial Branch without "party member" Justices. All politicians should be absolutely accountable...for all their actions and if the government can not do it neither can the companies or non government entiites as in If the government can not spy o you without a warrant, than nobody can.

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Councilof1 11 months ago

99.9% of monarch's throughout history were egomaniacal idiots. Proof is throughout history. As for degeneracy just check out royal/imperial court's. Every single political system created by humanity is deeply flawed and eventually fails. And it's all been tried.

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