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Why Women Are Scared Of Single Men - MGTOW

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gepubliceerd op 13 Jul 2024 / In Mensen & blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by Johnny Wong and he sent me a link to men going their own way article from the ADL along with his message to review. I put it in the description and it's called: "Men Going Their Own Way - What You Need To Know." Thanks for sending it Johnny because I didn't know it published only a few months ago. They didn't even do their research because they say that when it began in the early 2000s it was about separating men to form a single gender soyciety. No it was created to make men masculine again and make women feminine again. They say we isolate ourselves from all women as well as anyone else who advocates for or defends feminism. Again wrong. Most guys that go their own way still work jobs in co-ed environments and it's only the level four or five guys that isolate themselves from all women and society in general. They also say we jeopardize women's safety because we promote misogyny. That also isn't true because we highlight female nature so that men can have awareness when dealing with the opposite sex and avoid marriage which is a bad deal for men. They think our core beliefs include believing that feminism has corrupted western society. No female nature has and feminism is just female nature out in the open without having to worry about the consequences. They even get all the pills wrong. They say that the purple pill involves rejecting relationships, marriage and cohabitation. The purple pill the way myself and many other guys have defined it means dating and having relationships but just keeping the awareness of female nature and behavior in the back of your mind while doing so. It sounds easy enough but when you fall in love all that common sense flies out the window and you start to simp for women. That's been my experience. They describe the red pill as having situational awareness but not changing your behavior. So they mixed up the red and purple pills to some extent. At least they got level three and four correct about either avoiding all social interactions with women and finally detaching from soyciety entirely. So what's the point of this? To make us sound bad and extreme. They say we jeopardize women's safety yet at the end of this horribly written hit piece they say that there are no known incidents of violent extremism attributed to men going their own way. Talk about horrible hypocrisy in your own article. They say that myself, Pearl Davis, 21 Studios and Mansophere Podcast promote the philosophy. That we shape public perceptions about feminism. They keep saying feminism over and over again thinking we are only against that. What we are against is women on the left and right because both want to enslave men. One group does it through social control and gender politics, ie the feminists because they are usually less attractive and can't use their non-existant beauty to get what they want from the top men so they want to use the government to take from men and redistribute to them. The other group uses their beauty and family unit to pretend to submit to men while exploiting us through our belly and balls. Ie traditionalism. Men choosing to stay single isn't a left right thing. It's a male freedom from female nature thing. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Me The Sandman:

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Drums_McBashington 8 maanden geleden

Their lack of self awareness prevents them from seeing how much they've exposed about themselves.
It's delicious.

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WMHarrison94 8 maanden geleden

Self awareness? I say lack of gray matter...

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WMHarrison94 8 maanden geleden

Man protects himself by disengaging. "MISOGYNIST! MISOGYNIST!" Woman stabbs man and then cries, "He was going to rape me!" "YOU GO GIRL." The man was like "Who the fuck are you?" Police pepper spray him.

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WMHarrison94 8 maanden geleden

So, thevwomen ask "Whre are all the men? Where are the single men shopping? When are they shopping?"

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 8 maanden geleden

The cunts cannot handle the fact that they are being rejected, because they ARE cunts.

Most of them are so fucked in the head......

Add in not real smart.

Not real creative.

Piss Poor Company.

AND they are NASTY.

"Me? Responsible for how I turned out? - Oh no no no - it's ALL his fault".

He thinks, "No problemo - bye you retarded arsehole of a woman!"

And the dumb cunts say, "He isn't good enough, he doesn't meet my standards", as the dick desert encroaches into their aging years.


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