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Why Women Are Taking Over & Men Are Quitting

Published on 22 Nov 2023 / In Film & Animation

Women may be taking over at an initial look, BUT MEN are leaving, walking away, had enough of "STUPID", so the women "The STUPID" happily jumps in feeling Empowered but not seeing the REA:L reason why MEN used their Intelligence to abandon all the BULLSHIT! Women are welcome to the old World that the MAN had to endure, We saw the truth and left, you jumped into the LIE for youer own EGO, so go suffer for it bitches, MEN well REAL MEN ain't gonna' help YA! lol! We have better things to do like use OUR money not on YOU but to Globe Trot or by that Muscle Car we always wanted, Not to impress YOU but just because WE CAN! lol!

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saaralgris 1 year ago

As always, women will never understand the gravity of the situation until it's too late. They're too wrapped up in themselves to notice. Wise folks will begin to invest in pharmaceutical companies due to the upcoming epidemic of middle-aged barren women with mental problems. It's currently in the beginning stages and will only become worse.

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profhugodegaris 1 year ago

He still thinks women aren't FIPs. As a masculist, I wouldn't look twice at a woman who hasn't FIPped up. I'd see her as a man slaving, divorce raping parasite, and spit in her face, as vermin.

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