Why Women Think They Can Stay Modern While Demanding Traditional Men--
Published on 26 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
Modern Mellennial and "Z" women don't even know WTF Traditionalism is, they were never taught it, they cant do it or even fake it. that's why Dating has failed big time. you once went out met a girl Courted her and maybe get married or something? that's all Gone women used to have Dowlries set asside for marriage to find a suiter, but now THEY want all the monmey from the MAN without even actually having a relationSHIT with him! women are insane and NOT worth the effort in any way or form, fuck em' ALL I say!
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Unfortunately, the 304 in the Lavender Dress is a tiny, tiny minority. The vast majority of modern, delusional 304's have terrible, horrible, awefull attitudes towards men as was shown in this Video. I will say this once more : 304's DONT CARE ABOUT A MAN'S HOPE'S, DREAMS, GOALS, DESIRES, AND NEEDS!!!!!!! This is why a man should not get married. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!!!!!! The Relationship is all about her and her needs wants and desires. You are nothing but a Plowhorse to provide for her. Modern Marriage is a institution that promises a lot but deliveres very little on those promises. It's why we have so many angry, disillusioned, bitter, broken hearted married men. They thought marriage would fullfil all their needs, desires, and dreams, only to find out it was all a lie!!!
Don't get married!!!