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Why You're Always Going To Be Alone In Life. (Revisited)

Published on 08 Oct 2023 / In Entertainment

What the original Why You're Always Going to Be Alone video:

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Toki 1 year ago

Yes because all humans are selfish creatures. If you're a good moral humble man you're alone for life. To many people the purpose of life is to exploit thy fellow human for personal gain. For example men who make internet channels and ask for money like you. Are you a Twitch camgirl? No you aren't. I also would never trust you or want to be your friend unless you were an honest working man with real skills at a dirty job. As of now you simply come off as a con artist selling pheremone soap to desperate men exploiting them in the process. Sadly most humans are similar to you bullpup.
Apply for one-on-one coaching from you? What a selfish concept. You won't just be another man's friend. You need to monetize all contact just like women do. Are you selling that boipussy or something? Who the hell would pay for coaching with a random stranger on the net? Everything has to be about money and personal gain. That's why we are forver alone. Very few people can see past the allure of Greed and Sloth.

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