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Why Zionists Created Scamarona


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Published on 20 Sep 2020 / In Entertainment


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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 years ago

Perhaps zionism is just a sub part of catholic globalism. . World dominion by them is their goal. I see it as Vatican + london venetian bankers + israel + mafia + jesuit freemasonry. . + washington + wall street. . + hong kong.. + south America and mexico. . their tentacles have infiltrated America.. Kennedy's assassinations. Martin luther king jr assassination. . Lynyrd Skynyrd band questionable airplane crash.. 65,000 American men killed in vietnam.. mariel boatlift.. super high interest rates.. open borders , offshoring and family farmers liquidated.. changed our money to paper debt and stole our country.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

My channel is still acting up I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t know what to do about it, Also I no longer have a mailbox because of the hackers constantly doxing and stocking me back in 2019 which is the reason why I’m unable to check my email because I had to delete it because of it being flooded with insults, Harassments and threats by hackers.

But anyway can you brothers at MGTOW TV check my channel to see what’s going on with it to possibly fix those technical problems with my channel.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

Let me know what's wrong the the channel? The messaging system is a bit problematic and we have an update for it very soon. You can message me or reply back here.

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

So I’m unable to message any of you because I’m unable to access the message board which my icon is kind of in the way of the message board which is my biggest concern. Perhaps updating it is what will solve it. But also I don’t know why my channel unsubscribed by itself from a few channels which I had to resubscribe, apologize and explain because I didn’t mean for my channel to glitch out and unsubscribe from them.

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Igor MGTOW And Video Games

i have use for jews and israel i cant say the same thing for my greatest enemy the female race

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

1971 removed metal backed money......LBJ overspent on vietnam........1964 was the last silver dollar......NIXON removed silver backing and introduces FIAT currency due to french run on physical silver......ww11 was financed on savings........war bonds issued and purchased by citizens.........VIETNAM was financed by devaluing the coinage (ROME). SINCE 1972, the usa has accrued 25 trillion in debt........the usa is INSOLVENT...... CHAOS is coming quickly

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

Do not think that you yourself have escaped this, my friend. Understand exactly WHO the Zionists truly worship, and I can assure you it is not Yahweh or Jehovah. And you yourself have said that you are of David’s bloodline, so you would neither be their friend nor brethren. Because it is a sacred bloodline connected to God himself.
And for God’s sake, stop with the ‘goh-yeem’. It’s obnoxious. Otherwise, your previous topics on the subject has been highly insightful.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

pointing fingers is pointless....... if you dont have physical metals , you should. Ever fiat currency failure defaults back to money, gold and silver..

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

@scott sanger: However, there is more to this than simply the trade of precious metals. Although, I do believe that your argument has basis. Your statement is very sound. However, there are other statements that I was making that did not interject money into the statement.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

Absolutely Goyim is obnoxious. That's what the Zionists think of everybody including me.

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